Call: Automotive HMI: Vehicles in the Transition from Manual to Automated Driving (at People and Computers 2017)

Call for Papers

6th Workshop Automotive HMI:
Vehicles in the Transition from Manual to Automated Driving
colocated with People and Computers (MuC) 2017 (
September 10-13, 2017 | Regensburg

Submission deadline: June 12, 2017

[via Google Translate:
People and Computers 2017 website in English
Automotive HMI workshop website in English

Automotive user interfaces and especially automated vehicle technology pose a plenty of challenges to researchers, vehicle manufacturers, and third-party suppliers to support all diverse facets of user needs. To give an example, they emerge from the variation of different user groups ranging from inexperienced, thrill-seeking young novice drivers to elderly drivers with all their natural limitations. To allow assessing the quality of automotive user interfaces and automated driving technology already during development and within virtual test processes, the proposed workshop is dedicated to the quest of finding objective and quantifiable quality criteria for describing future driving experiences. The workshop is intended for HCI, AutomotiveUI, and “Human Factors” researchers and practitioners as well for designers and developers.

In adherence to the main topic of this year’s conference “Spielend einfach interagieren” the workshop calls in particular for contributions in the area of human factors and ergonomics (user acceptance, trust, user experience, driving fun, natural user interfaces, etc.), artificial intelligence (predictive HMIs, adaptive systems, intuitive interaction), etc.


The main aim of this workshop is to discuss methods and models for the quantification of quality criteria for automotive user interfaces in the transition from manual to automated driving (human factors perspective).

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Acceptance criteria for (automated) driving systems
  • Ergonomic aspects in highly automated driving
  • Natural user interfaces in the automotive context
  • Futuristic concepts of shared control, vehicle interior, and in-vehicle non-driving-related activities
  • Interface concepts that address the transition from manual to fully automated driving
  • Hedonic and pragmatic qualities of driving experiences
  • Methods for enabling and quantifying trust-in-automation
  • Methods to foster “driving fun” as well as concepts for in-vehicle gaming
  • Requirements for automated driving systems based on personality, age, gender, culture, or other parameters
  • Personalization of vehicle behavior and interfaces
  • Supporting situational awareness through design
  • Validity of driving simulator studies in the broader context of automated driving
  • User studies addressing automated driving within field operational tests
  • Artificial intelligence in UI’s (predictive HMIs, adaptive systems)

We welcome CONTRIBUTIONS from both academia and industry in either GERMAN or ENGLISH language!


Contributions are welcome in various forms including scientific papers reporting user study results, theoretical concept papers, futuristic visions or design concepts. We accept long (up to eight pages) and short papers (maximum length of four pages), both formatted according to the template for the main conference addressing one or multiple of the topics described above. Papers have to be submitted on or before the submission deadline (June 12, 2017) using the submission system ConfTool (

Accepted papers will be invited for short presentations at the workshop (e.g., 10 minute slots including Q&A). Accepted papers will be included in the MuC 2017 workshop proceedings. Accompanying videos, demonstrators of automotive HMI systems or other media are explicitly desired.


  • Submission deadline: June 12, 2017
  • Notification of acceptance: June 26, 2017
  • Final version due: July 3, 2017
  • Workshop at MuC: Sunday, September 10 (tentative)


Andreas Riener (CARISSMA // Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt)
Bastian Pfleging (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)
Stefan Geisler (Institut Informatik, Hochschule Ruhr West)
Alexander van Laack (Faurecia Interiors, France)
Philipp Wintersbeerger (CARISSMA // Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt)




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