Call for Papers
A Workshop at IJCAI 2017 – 26th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Melbourne, Australia – Aug 19-25 2017
Co-Chairs: Mehul Bhatt \ Antonio Lieto
University of Bremen \ University of Turin, and ICAR-CNR
Title and abstracts due April 18 onwards
The workshop on Cognition and Artificial Intelligence for Human-Centred Design will bring together interdisciplinary scientific perspectives on human-centred design particularly focussing on the theme of Artificial Intelligence and Computational Cognitive Systems supported next-generation design technologies. The workshop addresses cognitive technology assisted human-centred design conception, analysis, and synthesis; it approaches the design process, and the use of designed structures and artefacts from a cognitive and computational perspective. A particular focus is on the importance of the embodied visuo-spatial thinking involved in problem-solving for the design of objects, artefacts, and people-experiences.
The workshop brings together experts in Artificial Intelligence, Spatial Cognition, Cognitive Science, Human-Computer Interaction, and Design Studies with researchers and practitioners in design concerned with investigating the cognition of the designed artefacts as well as the cognition of the design process. The key issues being addressed are:
- interaction between design, cognitive processes, and human-centred assistive technologies
- design-activity -e.g., conception and creativity- as cognitive problem-solving (e.g., under the constraints of physics, logic, cognition, and expectations of embodied cognitive experience of users)
- multi-modal human-computer collaboration and interaction in collaborative problem-solving.
We welcome all contributions addressing the workshop themes from formal, cognitive, engineering, empirical, and philosophical perspectives. The workshop will feature invited and contributed research advancing the practice of human-centred design particularly from the viewpoints of theories and methods developed within the fields of:
- Artificial Intelligence
- Visuo-Spatial Cognition and Computation
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Cognitive Science and Psychology
- Neuroscience
- Design Studies
Design domains being addressed include, but are not limited to:
- architecture design
- narrative media design (e.g., film, animation, immersive VR)
- product design
- music and sound design
- urban and geodesign
- design in manufacturing & engineering domains
- embodied interaction and experience design
- visual art design
All submitted papers must be formatted according to IJCAI guidelines (see workshop www).
Contributions may be submitted as:
- technical papers;
- position statements;
- work in progress;
- summaries of recently completed works.
Submissions should only be made electronically as PDF documents via the paper submission site: (Easychair).
FULL PAPERS. Full contributions (be it technical papers, position statements, or work-in-progress report) should be no longer than 7 single-spaced pages (6 pages max for content, 1 page max for references).
HIGHLIGHT PAPERS. Independent of / complementary to full contributions, we also invite highlight papers that will summarise existing full-length publication(s) that have appeared elsewhere in peer-reviewed conference(s) or journal(s). Highlight papers should be should be no longer than 2 single-spaced pages (including all content, and very select references). The workshop organisation will also selectively invite experts in the field to submit in this category; we also remain very interested and open to receive suggestions for such invited highlight papers: please email us if you have some ideas or suggestions.
Complete submission details on workshop website:
IMPORTANT DATES (for all categories of submissions)
- Title and abstract: April 18 onwards (this deadline is not strict)
- Submissions: May 2
- Acceptance: May 30
- Conference: August 19-21, 2017 (exact date TBD)
TBA soon
Mehul Bhatt
Human-Centred Cognitive Assistance Lab. (HCC)
Department of Computer Science, University of Bremen, Germany.
Antonio Lieto
Department of Computer Science
University of Turin, and ICAR-CNR Italy.
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