Call for Contributions to MobileHCI 2017 – the 19th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services
4th – 7th September, Vienna, Austria
Paper submissions: February 9th, 2017
Notification: April 12th, 2017
Camera-ready: May 29th, 2017
Welcome to MobileHCI 2017: MobileHCI seeks contributions in the form of innovations, insights, or analyses related to human interaction and experiences with mobility. The conference series has shaped research, development and practice in mobile devices and services for nearly two decades. In 2017, the Conference will seek to forge a new agenda for the decades to come. This year we are expanding the remit of what MobileHCI means, beyond mobility and technology and so will also be covering the following areas:
- Autonomous vehicles and mobile/vehicle Interaction
- Internet of things and novel sensing technologies
- Big data and machine learning in mobile interaction
- Smart cities, urban informatics and well-being
With the coming of driverless cars; drones; wearables and implantables; and an ecology of embedded devices and services in the everyday environment, there has never been a more exciting and pressing time to debate and explore what digital mobility means.
We are encouraging industrial partners to engage with this broader perspective on mobile interaction, and Google have already agreed to run a workshop/tutorial on their Mobile TensorFlow support for Deep Convolutional networks, which allows deployment of advanced machine learning architectures on popular mobile operating systems.
MobileHCI 2017 welcomes contributions related to any aspect of HCI technology, experience, methodology, and theory. Our interpretation of mobility is inclusive and broadly construed. We solicit proposals for workshops, demonstrations, tutorials, and industrial case study papers.
MobileHCI seeks contributions in the form of innovations, insights, or analyses related to human experiences with mobility. Our interpretation of mobility is inclusive and broadly construed. Likewise, a contribution can encompass technology, experience, methodology, and theory-or any mix thereof, and beyond. This includes:
- SYSTEMS AND INFRASTRUCTURES. The design, architecture, deployment, and evaluation of systems and infrastructures that support development of or interaction with mobile devices and services.
- DEVICES AND TECHNIQUES. The design, construction, usage, and evaluation of devices and techniques that create valuable new capabilities for mobile human-computer interaction.
- APPLICATIONS AND EXPERIENCES. Descriptions of the design, empirical study of interactive applications, or analysis of usage trends that leverage mobile devices and systems.
- METHODOLOGIES AND TOOLS. New methods and tools designed for or applied to studying or building mobile user interfaces, applications, and mobile users.
- THEORIES AND MODELS. Critical analysis or organizing theory with clearly motivated relevance to the design or study of mobile human-computer interaction; taxonomies of design or devices; well-supported essays on emerging trends and practice in mobile human-computer interaction.
- PROVOCATIONS AND NEW PERSPECTIVES. Well-argued and well-supported visions of the future of mobile computing; non-traditional topics that bear on mobility; underrepresented viewpoints and perspectives that convincingly bring something new to mobile research and practice.
(All submissions are due not later than 17:00 hrs PST on the dates indicated.)
- Feb. 9th 2017: Submission of papers
- Feb. 23rd 2017: Submission of workshop proposals
- April 12th 2017: Notification of papers
- May 11th 2017: Submission of posters, demos, doctoral consortium, industrial perspectives and tutorials
- May 19th 2017: Submission of workshop papers
- May 29th 2017: Camera ready paper submitted
- Early July 2017: Early registration ends
Authors of papers presenting systems and/or interaction techniques are encouraged to demonstrate their work at the conference – provided that a demonstration is feasible. The Program Committee will decide upon which paper should also include a demonstration. Submissions will be managed in PCS. Papers need to be anonymised for blind review. We use a relaxed model that does not attempt to conceal all traces of identity from the body of the paper. However, you do need to completely remove identifying information from the title/header area of the paper, and also make sure that it does not appear in the document’s meta-data. Citations to your own previous work must NOT be anonymised, so that reviewers can ensure that all previous research has been taken into account. Submissions will be managed in PCS,
Paper Length:
Typical full Papers will be 8-10 pages long (not including references). As introduced in MobileHCI 2016, papers can now be either longer or shorter than 10 pages, depending on their contribution. Authors are encouraged to submit a paper of length proportional to its contribution. Reviewers will be instructed to weigh the contribution of a submission relative to its length, so papers with a length disproportional to their contribution will be rejected. In exceptional cases, the authors may be requested to shorten papers for the camera ready stage. Shorter, more focused papers (akin to Notes or Short Papers in previous years) are also encouraged, and will be reviewed appropriately.
Presentation time during the conference will be allocated according to the weight of contribution. Papers that are 6 or fewer pages will have shorter presentation times at the conference. However, there will be no distinction made between papers in the program, proceedings or digital library. The exact talk duration will be determined when the program is finalised.
All paper submissions must be made in the SIGCHI papers format. As an ACM conference, MobileHCI papers will appear in the ACM Digital Library and citation indices.
Upon acceptance, you have to present your paper at the conference. At least one author of each paper must register. Depending on your presentation format (short or long) you will either have:
- short: 15 min (12 min presentation + 3 min of discussion) or
- long: 20 min (15 min presentation + 5 min of discussion)
For further details and submission instructions please visit the conference website at , or follow us on Facebook and Twitter @ACMMobileHCI or
Paper Chairs:
Roderick Murray-Smith (University of Glasgow, UK)
Yvonne Rogers (UCL, UK)
General Chairs:
Matt Jones, Swansea University
Manfred Tscheligi, University of Salzburg and AIT
Workshop Chairs:
Simon Robinson, Swansea University
Julie Williamson, University of Glasgow
Special Area Chairs:
Internet of Things Chair: Scott Jenson, Google
Autonomous Vehicles: Albrecht Schmidt, University of Stuttgart
Demo Chairs:
Markus Löchtefeld, Aalborg University
Cosmin Munteanu, University of Toronto Mississauga
Tutorial Chairs:
Katrin Wolf, University of Art and Design Berlin
Daniel Ashbrook, Rochester Institute of Technology
Late Breaking Results Chair:
Thomas Reitmaier, Swansea University
Industry Perspectives Chairs:
Nitendra Rajput, IBM
Marc Busch, AIT
Doctoral Consortium Chairs:
Céline Coutrix, CNRS and University of Stuttgart
Jennifer Pearson, Swansea University
Andrés Lucero, Aalto University
Web and Social Media Chairs:
Timothy Neate, Swansea University
Cameron Steer, Swansea University
Local Organisation Chairs:
Peter Fröhlich, AIT
Georg Regal, AIT
Katja Neureiter, University of Salzburg
Student Volunteer Chair:
Mark A. Kramer, University of Salzburg
Student Research Competition Chair:
Alexander Meschtscherjakov, University of Salzburg
Programme Committee:
Lynne Baillie (Heriot-Watt University)
Frank Bentley (Yahoo)
Joanna Bergström-Lehtovirta (Copenhagen Univesity)
Jon Bird (City University, London)
Duncan Brumby (UCL)
Stefano Burigat (University of Udine)
Keith Cheverst (University of Lancaster)
Kay Connelly (Indiana University)
Alexander De Luca (Google, Switzerland)
Anna Feit (Aalto University)
Joel Fischer (University of Nottingham)
Sarah Gallacher (UCL)
Hans Gellersen (Univesity of Lancaster)
Jonna Häkkilä (University of Lapland)
Richard Harper (University of Lancaster)
Niels Henze (University of Stuttgart)
Otmar Hilliges (ETH Zurich)
Steven Houben (University of Lancaster)
Anirudha Joshi (IIT-B)
Sven Kratz (FX Palo Alto Laboratory, USA)
Per Ola Kristensson (University of Cambridge)
Janne Lindqvist (Rutgers University)
Andres Lucero (Aalto University)
Rainer Malaka (Bremen University)
Marcelo Milrad (Linnaeus University)
Mirco Musolesi (University College London)
Nuno Jardim Nunes (University of Madeira)
Nuria Oliver (Telefonica Research)
Jeni Paay (Aalborg University)
Roman Radle (Aarhus University)
Mattias Röst (University of Glasgow)
Simon Robinson (Swansea University)
Michael Rohs (University of Hannover)
Anne Roudaut (University of Bristol)
Enrico Rukzio (University of Ulm)
Johannes Schoening (University pf Bremen)
Alireza Sahami (Yahoo Labs, USA)
Junehwan Song (KAIST)
John Williamson (University of Glasgow)
Chuang-Wen You (NTU IoX center, Taiwan)
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