Job: PhD position in Smart Social Systems and Spaces Project at University of Twente

University of Twente
Enschede, Netherlands

PhD position on the improvement of the interactive technology that measures and interprets human behaviour and experiences!/vacature/278285

Applications by 3 October 2016

The research falls partly under the multidisciplinary research institute CTIT ( and the 4TU research centre Humans & Technology (


The 4TU research centre Humans & Technology (H&T) has a vacancy for a PhD candidate to be based at the Human Media Interaction research group of the University of Twente and working on sensing and social signal processing.

The research is to be carried out as part of a larger project – S4 – that will be studying Smart Social Systems and Spaces that assess and improve humans’ behaviours and experiences in their social contexts – in the office and at home. Six PhD candidates and three postdocs will improve the technology for sensing and interpretation of the situated behaviours and experiences (“Sensing and Modelling”), and develop methods and techniques to support the well-being through ambient intelligence and “persuasive” companions that assist in keeping up a happy and healthy lifestyle (“Happy and Healthy Life Style Support). Furthermore, we will focus on methodological innovations in the new fields where design, technology and the social sciences meet (“Methodology”).

The main question for this PhD is: “How can we improve the interactive technology that measures and interprets human behaviour and experiences?”

Via current sensing technology, a rich set of data can be collected on human behaviours and experiences. However, more accurate interpretations of these data are needed (addressing the personal and contextual influences), for instance by looking deeper into multimodality. Besides measuring the individual (affective, mental, and physical state and dynamics) it is also important to look at the group level.


We are looking for highly motivated researchers with an MSc degree in Computer Science and with adequate experimental and theoretical skills. You should have knowledge of, or, interest in Human Behaviour Understanding, Pattern Recognition, Social Signal Processing. Programming skills are required. You are able to work independently as well as in a project team, and you have good communicative skills. Fluency in English is a requirement.

To apply for this position you should follow the link below. Your application should consist of:

  • a cover letter (max. 1 page A4), emphasizing your specific interests, qualifications and motivations to apply for this position;
  • a full Curriculum Vitae, including a list of all courses attended and grades obtained;
  • a short description (max. 1 page A4) of your MSc research;
  • a document proving fluency in English, if it is not your native language;

Applications should be submitted before 3 October 2016.

For more information about the position you can contact prof. Dirk Heylen,


We offer a very challenging position in an inspiring environment. You will have an employment contract for the duration of 4 years and can participate in all employee benefits the UT offers. The gross monthly salary starts with € 2191,- in the first year and increases to € 2801,- in the fourth year of your employment. The salary is supplemented with a holiday allowance of 8% and an end-of year bonus of 8.3%. A high-quality training program is part of the agreement. You and your supervisor will make up a plan for the additional education and supervising that you specifically need. The research has to result in a thesis at the end of the employment period. International applicants moving to the Netherlands are possibly eligible to a tax advantage policy known as the 30% ruling depending on background. The University of Twente offers attractive employment conditions, e.g., moving costs.


THE UNIVERSITY OF TWENTE. We stand for life sciences and technology. High tech and human touch. Education and research that matter. New technology which drives change, innovation and progress in society. The University of Twente is the only campus university in the Netherlands; divided over six faculties we provide more than fifty educational programmes. The University of Twente has a strong focus on personal development and talented researchers are given scope for carrying out pioneering research.

THE FACULTY OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE (EEMCS) comprises three disciplines that shape Information and Communication Technology. ICT is more than communication. In almost every product we use mathematics, electronics and computer technology and ICT now contributes to all of societies’ activities. The faculty works together intensively with industrial partners and researchers in the Netherlands and abroad and conducts extensive research for external commissioning parties and funders. The research which enjoys a high profile both at home and internationally, has been accommodated in the multidisciplinary research institutes MESA+, CTIT and MIRA.

PhD position on the improvement of the interactive technology that measures and interprets human behaviour and experiences: Apply now


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