ECGBL 2016
10th European Conference on Games Based Learning
6 – 7th October 2016, Paisley, Scotland
The University of the West of Scotland, Paisley, Scotland
The European Conference on Games Based Learning was established 9 years ago. It has been held in Scotland, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Greece, Norway to mention only some of the countries who have hosted it. ECGBL is generally attended by participants from more than 40 countries and attracts an interesting combination of academic scholars, practitioners, game designers and individuals who are engaged in various aspects of games-based learning and serious games. Among other journals, the Electronic Journal of e-Learning publishes a special edition of the best papers presented at this conference.
The conference is also host to The 4th International Educational Games Competition.
ECGBL 2016 is being held at the University of the West of Scotland on 6-7 October and the Conference Chair is Dr Thomas Connolly.
- Academic Papers
- Case Studies
- Work in-Progress Papers
- Round Table Discussion Proposals
- PhD Papers
- Posters
- Non- Academic or Practitioner Contributions
Over the last ten years, the way in which education and training is delivered has changed considerably with the advent of new technologies. One such new technology that holds considerable promise for helping to engage learners is Games-Based Learning (GBL). The Conference offers an opportunity for scholars and practitioners interested in the issues related to GBL to share their thinking and research findings.
Papers can cover various issues and aspects of GBL in education and training: technology and implementation issues associated with the development of GBL; use of mobile and MMOGs for learning; pedagogical issues associated with GBL; social and ethical issues in GBL; GBL best cases and practices, and other related aspects. We are particularly interested in empirical research that addresses whether GBL enhances learning.
This Conference provides a forum for discussion, collaboration and intellectual exchange for all those interested in any of these fields of research or practice.
Please see the ECGBL Important Dates below:
- Technology
- Pedagogy
- Social and Ethical Issues
For more information on Submission Topics, or to Submit an Abstract, please click here
In addition to the main conference topics, the advisory group invites submissions to the following mini tracks:
- Game-Based Learning as Creative-Based Learning
- The Teacher’s Role, Identity and Presence in Game-Based Learning
- Serious Playfulness: Artefacts, Practices and Processes of Design and Use of Digital Technologies for Serious Play
- Effective Persuasive Games: What Makes Them Effective?
- Games for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) Learning
For more information on, or to submit to a Mini Track, click here
Abstract submission deadline: 17 March 2016
Notification of abstract acceptance: 24 March 2016
Full paper due for review: 05 May 2016
Call for Games Closes: 17 June 2016
Notification of paper acceptance: 14 July 2016
Notification of Game acceptance: 29 July 2016
Earlybird registration closes: 28 July 2016
Final paper due (with any changes): 11 August 2016
Final author payment date: 1 September 2016
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