[Lots of people are working hard to create a rich and rewarding conference experience for us in Kyoto, Japan next June! Please join us! More details coming here soon. Note the Kyoto Travel Guide tag line: “The Experience Here Will Change You”! -Matthew]
ISPR is very pleased to announce…
The Power of Presence: Using Telepresence Theory, Research and Applications to Enhance Mediated Communication Experiences in the 21st Century
An ICA preconference co-sponsored by the International Society for Presence Research (ISPR)
June 8, 2016 (with demonstrations and guided sightseeing events June 7)
Join us in Kyoto, Japan for an ISPR conference event two days before the 66th annual conference of the International Communication Association in Fukuoka, 9-13 June (note: ICA submissions deadline is November 2, 2015).
The ISPR event will include a full day of keynote and other invited presentations, peer reviewed state-of-the-art papers/posters/demos (call for submissions coming soon), discussion, networking, socializing and fun. Lunch and full dinner included. Registration (in addition to ICA fees): $50 ($40 for students).
More details coming soon!
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