Call: Social Internet of Things (book chapters)

Call for Book Chapters: Social Internet of Things

Series Title: Internet of Things: Technology, Communications and Computing – Springer AG

Editors: Alessandro Soro, Margot Brereton, Paul Roe
(Queensland University of Technology)

[a.soro, m.brereton, p.roe]

The vision for the Internet of Things has moved over time from a supply chain management perspective to one aimed at combining the power of smart objects, ubiquitous connectivity and semantic interoperability. At the same time, fuelled by the increasing availability of miniaturized computing and cheap sensing devices, a multitude of research initiatives has envisioned, prototyped and investigated in depth a wide range of tools and architectures.

More recently however, coming from such diverse backgrounds as participatory design, computer supported collaborative work, constructionism, critical theory (to name but a few) a growing community of researchers is focusing attention on the people that adopt, shape, evolve and use (or refuse) such technologies.

These efforts, aimed at uncovering the Social aspects of the Internet of Things, emphasize how architectures, tools, and services should be conceptualized and developed so as to inspire people and support their best skills. Shifting the attention from the technical aspects to the people, allows designer and researcher to understand and support the collaboration that happen through or around smart objects and environments, and to understand how smart interconnected objects will fit into (and reshape) the values, goals and practices of individuals, families and communities.

We seek contributions from researchers and practitioners on the following (non exhaustive) list of topics. Authors are invited to submit their proposed chapter following the timeline provided below.

Submissions can be emailed to the editors at the addresses provided; authors are encouraged to pre-submit an abstract/cover letter of their proposed chapter, complete with an indication of 2/4 potential reviewers.

Topics of Interest

Part 1: Theory and conceptual frameworks for the analysis, design and evaluation of the Social Internet of Things

  • User centred and participatory design of Internet enabled smart objects
  • Socio-material assemblages, actor networks and agency in the IoT
  • Feminist, Ethics and Critical Theoretic Perspectives on the IoT
  • Phenomenological accounts of interactions with smart objects
  • The details of our object interactions – deictics, manipulation and arrangement
  • Design for appropriation of Internet of Things applications and devices

Part 2: Application Scenarios

  • Internet of Things for socially relevant goals: e.g. afford independence, provide comfort, communicate prestige, preserve tradition, maintain social relation, foster creativity
  • Smart objects for specific people: e.g. communities of professionals, ageing people, students, users with disabilities
  • Privacy issues/controversial experience reports from IoT scenarios
  • Socialization around smart objects: toolkits and practices for communities of makers
  • Internet of Things and Smart Cars
  • Design Experiences


16 October 2015: Submission deadline
18 December 2015: Reviews due
15 January 2016: final manuscripts due


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