Call for Papers
2nd International Workshop on Vision and Eye Tracking in Natural Environments and Solutions & Algorithms for Gaze Analysis (SAGA 2015)
Where: Center of Excellence Cognitive Interaction Technology (CITEC), Bielefeld University, Germany
When: September, 29-30, 2015
The SAGA 2015 workshop is accepting abstracts for two calls:
- solutions for the (semi-) automatic annotation of gaze videos,
- eye movement studies in natural environments as a trailblazer for gaze analysis in natural environments, social interactions, computational linguistics, consumer research, mobile eye-based interaction and eye-based context-awareness.
As a follow up event of the successfull SAGA 2013 workshop, we are providing a forum for researchers from human-human and human-computer interaction, context-aware computing, robotics, computer vision and image processing, psychology, computational linguistics, sport and consumer science, eye tracking and industry to discuss techniques and applications that go beyond classical eye tracking and stationary eye-based interaction. We want to stimulate and explore the creativity of these communities with respect to the implications, key research challenges, new techniques and application areas. The long-term goal is to create a strong interdisciplinary research community linking these fields together and to establish the workshop as the premier forum for research on automatic annotation of gaze videos and use of eye tracking in natural environments. We are currently pursuing possible options for publication of the submitted abstracts in a special issue or as an edited volume.
Oral presentation / poster call:
July, 10, 2015: Deadline for abstract submissions.
August, 7, 2015: Notification of acceptance for talks and posters.
August, 30, 2015: Early-Bird registration ends
September, 29-30, 2015: Workshop takes place at the CITEC Research Building, Bielefeld University, Germany.
Registration for the workshop is available online:
Early Bird deadline is August 30th (Students: EUR 30,-; Academics: EUR 50,-; Industry: EUR 80,-). Regular fees apply after August 30th (Students: EUR 50,-; Academics: EUR 70,-; Industry: EUR 100,-).
Registration fee includes a dinner on September 29th and Snacks & Coffee throughout the workshop.
Several outstanding keynote speakers from academics and industry in the fields of eye movement research in natural environments, sport and consumer science, computational linguistics & phonetics and industrial design already confirmed their participation at the SAGA 2015 workshop:
- Mark Williams, Head of Life Sciences Department, Brunel University London, United Kingdom on “Visual search behaviour and expertise in high-performance environments”
- Maria Staudte, Computational Linguistics & Phonetics, Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany on “Studying gaze in spoken interaction”
- Jacob Lund Orquin, Department of Business Administration, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark on “What eye tracking researchers (dis)agree about reporting”
We are calling for 500-word abstracts on topics related to real-world eye tracking and eye movement analyses. We are interested in the use of eye-tracking techniques in mobile or interactive applications. Modern mobile eye-tracking systems record participants’ gaze behavior while they move freely within the environment and have haptic contact with the objects of interest. This allows us to apply eye tracking as a central method for investigating the perceptual and cognitive processes underlying visual scene perception under dynamic conditions, i.e., under natural conditions – a topic of increasing importance for the field of industrial use and academic research. Possible topics include, but are not limited to, eye tracking in human-human and human-machine interaction, sports, visual search, language processing, eye-hand coordination, consumer science and marketing, automatized tasks, orientation studies, safety and optimization at work, and decision making.
Abstracts will be peer-viewed by at least two members of an international program committee according to the evaluation criteria (see Workshop Website). Word and LaTex templates for the submissions are now available on the workshop website and the registration is open.
Please note: All accepted contributions must register for the workshop.
Submission site:
Templates for the submission can be found on our website:
As a particular highlight, several technical solutions (commercial or research-in-progress) for automatic gaze analysis will be demonstrated in between sessions: During the live session, researchers will provide an in-depth demonstration of their solutions and they are pleased to answer any further questions you may have.
There will be a plenary discussion with the keynotes and technicians to learn more about the requirements of the researchers for the analysis of vision and eye tracking studies in natural environments and corresponding/suitable solutions the technical partners can contribute.
Workshop Organisers:
Thies Pfeiffer, Kai Essig, Pia Knoeferle, Helge Ritter, and Thomas Schack. All from Bielefeld University, Germany
Scientific Board: Thomas Schack, Helge Ritter and Pia Knoeferle
Please visit the website periodically for updates (
For additional question, please contact:
We look forward to receiving your submissions and to welcoming you to Bielefeld in September 2015!
Thies Pfeiffer, Kai Essig & Pia Knoeferle
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