Call: TRACEY Journal – Theme issue on Drawing and presence

Invitation for Submissions
Journal – Theme issue on Drawing and ‘presence’

Submission deadline: September 4, 2015

TRACEY Journal is a fully peer reviewed electronic journal dedicated to drawing and visualisation. It is varied and diverse with a fast growing readership of academics, students and practitioners representing a wide range of drawing interests including fine art, architectural design, product design and visual communication – ideally any activity in which drawing and visualisation is essential.

You can see us at

In this next invitation for submissions, we are focusing on the theme of Drawing and ‘presence’, particularly in relation to the following questions:

What is the relationship between ‘drawer’ and ‘drawn’ in the moment of drawing?

Does drawing enable immediate sensuous presence in relation to its object?

How might the sustained attention of drawing be characterized? What is the role of immediacy, mediation, meditation, repetition?

What role do empathy, intensity and materiality play in drawing? What role do order, analysis and clarity play in drawing?

Is drawing a meaningful activity? If so, in what way? Do drawings have meaning? Is their meaning objective, subjective or both?

What does drawing say about desire? Is drawing a form of appropriation, a will-to-possess, a way of taking hold of things? Or does it imply a moment of dispossession, a surrender of ‘self’ in search of a new understanding?

Do accident, loss of control and the properties of the medium influence thinking?

Does drawing offer a mode of engagement that enables understanding the world in terms of ‘becoming’ rather than ‘being’, in terms of dynamic processes rather than static objects?

Does drawing reduplicate the world or can it transform it? Is it a kind of metamorphosis?

A submission may constitute drawings or other visual material, texts or research papers that have not been published before or have been published in a different context and also texts and images combined. There is no word or image limit. All submissions will be peer reviewed by two members of the peer review panel. Please visit the site to view our guidelines for submissions and a list of our peer reviewers.

Submissions should be on submitted electronically as compressed folders, saved with your name and theme as the folder identifier (eg. Smith_A_Drawing_and_Presence). The folder should include:

  • Introduction
  • Brief biographical paragraph
  • Concise summary of content for the editorial team as a MS Word document.

Together with the following files, depending on your submission type:

  • The paper, text or images
  • Text submissions should be formatted using the template, which can be downloaded by clicking on the link below:
  • If your text includes images, please send these as separate jpegs and ensure that they are correctly captioned. Italics should be highlighted in colour.
  • Image submissions should be sent as 300 dpi, RGB Tiff files.

Please send all submissions to Sally Bellman: or c/o Sally Bellman, TRACEY, Loughborough University, School of the Arts, English and Drama, Epinal Way, Loughborough, Leicestershire UK, LE11 3TU no later than Friday 4th September 2015.

Siún Hanrahan
Guest Editor | TRACEY | Drawing and ‘presence’

Siún Hanrahan is a writer and artist, and formerly Head of Academic Affairs and Research at the National College of Art and Design, Dublin. One of the first people to complete a practice-based doctorate in the UK, Hanrahan’s practice as an academic and writer has ranged across a number of fields, including: practice-based research in art and design, pedagogy in art and design, and drawing research. As a writer and artist, her interest centres on the nature of meaning and is reflected in contributions to edited anthologies such as Thinking Through Art and Hyperdrawing, journals such as Leonardo (MIT Press), and presentations at conferences such as The World Congress of Philosophy, the Congress of the International Association of Empirical Aesthetics, and the AICA Conference at Tate Modern.


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