Call: AutomotiveUI 2015 Workshop on Practical Experiences in Measuring and Modeling Drivers and Driver-Vehicle Interactions

AutomotiveUI 2015 Workshop on PRACTICAL EXPERIENCES in Measuring and Modeling Drivers and Driver-Vehicle Interactions
Nottingham, UK; September 1st, 2015
Colocated with the 6th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (AutomotiveUI 2015) (

Workshop website:

Submission deadline: July 13th, 2015


The goal of the workshop is to bring together both young and experienced researchers in the field of automotive UI research and discuss settings, experiences, best practices, etc. for conducting lab or field experiments. This includes discussions about how to improve user studies (setting), what types of sensors and recording platforms are suitable for which studies, feasibility of results (e.g., transfer of lab results to real scenarios), which should help “new” researchers (first year PhD or before) that are just starting with auto UI research to learn from the experience and mistakes of others. Submissions can span the range from small-scale studies to large-scale deployments, from the lab to the field, with small or large number of participants. We are interested in understanding the various protocols and contexts used in different automotive UI studies. These works should provide us with an opportunity in the workshop to explain the methodology and discuss pros and cons of the chosen approach, etc.


Potential topics to be discussed at the workshop include, but are not limited to:

1) Measuring and Modeling of the Driver

  • Sensors in driving simulators vs. sensors in commercial vehicles (used in on-road studies)
  • Cameras and multi-camera arrays
  • Depth/Infrared/Acoustic sensors
  • “Brought-in sensors” such as smartphones
  • Contextual databases/sensors (contact lists, addresses, etc.)
  • Neuroergonomic sensors (e.g., EEG, fNIRS, ECG, EMG, fEMG, SCR, etc.)
  • Driver emotion models
  • Driver intent models
  • Shared situational awareness
  • “The driver as sensor”

2) Measuring and Modeling of Driving

  • Best-known methods for modeling driving behaviors in on-road and simulator studies
  • Feasibility of the lane change task
  • Detection response and peripheral detection task (PDT) [1]
  • Best-known methods in qualitative & quantitative data gathering
  • Examples of good/bad experimental settings
  • Settings to use for tests in mixed automated settings
  • How to test interaction with autonomous cars in the exterior (pedestrians vs. autonomous vehicles)
  • Simulator studies settings (platform, connected sensors/actuators, data extraction and processing, synchronization issues)
  • Study design (lab, on-road; comparison lab vs. field, Wizard of Oz, Safety of test subjects, etc.)

3) Measuring and Modeling for Explicit Interactions

  • Sensors for Natural User Interaction (NUI)(Leap motion, Kinect, Myo, Emotiv, Neurosky, etc.)
  • Testing from OEMs and HW providers point-of-view
  • Main issues and constraints of the in-vehicle environment
  • How to recognize deliberate commands from random in-car activities
  • Discussion on standards (for gestures, tactile feedback, etc.)


We allow the submission of 1-4 page papers (in CHI EA format) describing a crisp, self-contained problem in the field of the workshop. Successful submissions will have the potential to raise discussion, provide insights for other attendees, or illustrate problems and provide potential solutions.

Please submit your contribution using the ACM SIGCHI extended abstracts (EA) format ( through the EasyChair ( paper submission system. More details are available at the workshop website.

Submissions need not to be anonymous. However, reviews will be done anonymously using an evaluation form. Each paper will receive at least two reviews. The selection of workshop participants will be done by a review process. Final decisions of accepting or rejecting a paper will be made by the organizers of the workshop based on the review scores and with respect to offering all workshop participants an interesting, diversified program.

Registration for the main conference is mandatory for all workshop participants, but there are no additional costs for attending the workshop beyond the main conference registration fee.


  • Submission deadline: July 13th, 2015
  • Notification of acceptance: July 27th, 2015
  • Camera ready version due: August 10th, 2015
  • Workshop date: September 1st, 2015

Please feel free to contact the organizers at any time.


Andreas Riener, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
Ignacio Alvarez, Intel Labs Hillsboro, Oregon, US
Myounghoon “Philart” Jeon, Michigan Technological University, USA
Wendy Ju, CDR, Stanford University, Stanford, California, US
Bastian Pfleging, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Mario Chiesa, Istituto Superiore Mario Boella Torino, Italy
Lewis Chuang, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Germany


Workshop website:

For more details see the workshop website!


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