Call for Workshop Proposals: Critical Alternatives 2015
Aarhus, Denmark
17 or 18 August, 2015
We hereby invite workshop proposals for Critical Alternatives 2015, (
The fifth decennial Aarhus conference, Critical Alternatives, aims to set new agendas for theory and practice in computing for quality of human life. Workshops at the conference provide an opportunity to discuss and build communities around specific issues and topics within the field of information technology. This is inherently an interdisciplinary conference, and we invite workshop organisers to consider how different perspectives can help establish constructive and critical discussions of workshop themes. Workshops are intended to foster discussion and exchange. Because focused interaction among participants is important, participants should have informed positions based on prior experience, as expressed in their position papers. Workshops should not be miniature paper presentation sessions, but focus on community building and communal knowledge creation.
Workshops are full-day events held at the start of the conference on 17 or 18 august 2015. Workshop proposals should aim to attract between 10 – 25 participants, and plan for around six working hours, with scheduled morning, lunch and afternoon breaks. There are two groups of people involved in a workshop: the organizers and the participants. Organizers are responsible for the workshop’s topic, logistics, and final outcome. Participants are responsible for the content and discussion.
Submission deadline: 22 February 2015
Notification to workshop proposers: 9 March 2015
Publication-ready deadline: 1 June 2015
Deadline for first announcement and workshop web page launch: 1 April
Deadline for position papers: 15 May (giver mulighed for extension)
Notification to workshop participants: 15 June (early registration 30 June)
Workshop Days: One-day sessions: 17 or 18 August 2015
Workshop proposals should be formatted using the ACM SIG Proceedings template ( and should contain:
- an abstract describing the aims and objectives of the workshop. (Maximum of 300 words)
- a short description of the workshop discussing the benefits and significance of running a workshop on the proposed theme. The description should also include an overview of the – workshop (including duration and planned activities) and short biographies of the workshop organisers. (Maximum 2000 words)
- a call-for-participation draft for potential workshop participants
- a recruitment strategy detailing how the organisers plan to recruit and select participants. (Maximum 500 words)
Selection Process: Curated
Chairs: Peter Dalsgaard & Anna Vallgårda (
Archives: Workshop summaries will be published in the Proceedings vol 2 (published in print and online).
If a workshop is accepted, both Critical Alternatives 2015 and the workshop organizers will publicize the workshop to solicit potential participants to submit position papers. Workshop organizers are expected to put up a website for the workshop no later than April 1st and solicit participants through a Workshop Participants Call for Participation. Critical Alternatives 2015 will place a link to workshop websites on the Conference Workshops Page and will also distribute a general call for workshops on relevant mailing lists on April 2nd. Please note that the time between acceptance of a workshop and the required first announcement is short and plan accordingly.
Interested participants in the workshop submit a position paper to the organizers of the workshop. Position papers are statements of interest and/or expertise in the workshop topic, in any format or media as defined by the workshop organizers.
The workshop organizers will review position papers using their own criteria, and will decide on the final list of participants.
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