Call: 5th International Symposium on Communicability, Computer Graphics and Innovative Design for Interactive Systems (CCGIDIS 2015)

5th International Symposium on Communicability, Computer Graphics and Innovative Design for Interactive Systems (CCGIDIS 2015)
Madrid, Spain :: May 27 – 29, 2015

CCGIDIS 2015 will be composed of research presentations, keynote lectures, invited presentations, workshops, doctoral consortium, demo session, poster presentations, and research-in-progress.


Communicability is the cornerstone for the success of the interaction among human beings and the technological (r)evolution in scientfic visualization, hypermedia online, virtual reality, augmented reality, etc., devices in which a huge part of humankind is immersed. In these devices there is a convergence and intersection of disciplines deriving from the formal and factual sciences. The main goal is to improve the interaction process with the new technologies on a daily basis.

Since its origins computer graphics has always been involved in the global village foreseen by McLuhan and has accompanied all the stages of the technological (r)evolution in the professional computer sector and telecommunications.

Many conferences are focussed on specific aspects of human-computer interaction, multimedia, computer science, computer art, etc. and bring together leading experts in a particular field or sometimes on a specific technology. At such large conferences students are often marginalized or relegated to poster sessions. The conferences, workshops, symposiums, etc., are not a big scale and aim to promote dialogue between established professors and graduate students working on new directions. Hence topics from the whole range of human-computer interaction, multimedia, software, design, etc. are welcomed. Last year’s symposia, workshops, conferences, etc., organized by ALAIPO and AInCI, for instance, included papers on the topics (see below the alphabetical order). An extensive listing connotes and reflects the requirement and also skill necessary to find intersection zones of the disciplines among the different domains, fields, and specialities; which at the same time potentially boosts and merges the formerly different scientific views.

Today the variegated devices of massive consumption of microcomputers, deriving mainly from the educational and entertainment sectors, have already entered the era of tridimensional vision without using additional peripherals such as specialized glasses or virtual reality helmets. Evidently a new horizon is opening for on-line and off-line hypermedia systems contents, virtual and mixed reality navigation, biocomputing, etc.

In others words, in the current space of the 5th International Symposium on CCGIDIS 2015, we intend to set up a context of exchange of experiences, projects in their way of development and reflexion about theoretical aspects with the purpose of drawing guidelines for the future in the middle and long run. Consequently, the discussion will be focused on – but not limited to – the following main issues (alphabetical order):

  • 2D and 3D Computer Vision
  • Artificial Life
  • Audio-Visual Communication
  • Augmented Reality
  • CAD / CAM / CAE
  • Cinema 3D
  • Cloud Computing and Multimedia Content Distribution
  • Communicability
  • Computational Geometry
  • Computational Photography
  • Computer Animation
  • Computer Art
  • Computer Graphics and Security
  • Computer Graphics for Users with Physical Disabilities
  • Database and Compression Methods of the Graphic Information
  • Design Categories for Interactive Systems: Heuristics and Evaluation Techniques
  • Digital Cartography
  • Digital Sound
  • Eco-design
  • Efficiency and Complexity Issues in Graphics Algorithms
  • Finite Element Methods in Graphics
  • Fractals and Chaos: Theory and Experiments
  • Human-Computer Interaction
  • Illumination Techniques
  • Image Restoration for Cultural Heritage
  • Industrial Design and Ergonomics
  • Interactive Geometric Processing
  • Medical Image Processing
  • Mixed Reality
  • Modeling Non-rigid Objects
  • Models of Design for Interactive Systems
  • Molecular Graphics
  • Motion Capture
  • Natural Phenomena and Computer Graphics Emulation
  • Open-Source Software
  • Perceptual Quality in Image
  • Printing Technologies
  • Progress and Challenges in Computer Graphics for Scientific Visualization
  • Quality Attributes for Communicability Assessment
  • Radiosity
  • Ray Tracing
  • Rendering
  • Robot Vision
  • Shape Analysis
  • Social Impact of Visual Emerging Technologies for Education
  • Software Engineering
  • Special Effects
  • Speech and Natural Language Interfaces
  • Surface: Appearance, Formation, Enhancement and Light Interactions
  • Telecommunications
  • Texture Mapping
  • User-Centered Design
  • Video Games
  • Virtual Museums and E-tourism
  • Virtual Tutors and Education
  • Visualizing Multivariate Data
  • Web 2.0 and 3.0
  • Wireless and Mobile Computer Science

All contributions should be of high originality, quality, clarity, significance and impact.

Finally, all submitted papers will be reviewed by a double-blind (at least three reviewers), non-blind, and participative peer review. These three kinds of review will support the selection process of those that will be accepted for their presentation at the international conference. Authors of accepted papers who registered in the conference can have access to the evaluations and possible feedback provided by the reviewers who recommended the acceptance of their papers, so they can accordingly improve the final version of their papers.

All accepted papers will be published in the respective conference proceedings (in printed book form, CD/DVD and magazine) by international and prestigious publishing houses in America and Europe:

  1. Post-conference publishing book. IGI Global: Hershey, Pennsylvania – USA (Publications have been indexed in a number of prestigious indices such as Thomson Reuters, DBLP, ACM Digital Library, ERIC, and the Australian Education Index);
  2. An academic CD proceedings version -not commercial (distribution in the room), with ISBN 978.88.96.471.33.3 :: DOI 10.978.8896471/333;
  3. The papers are will be submitted for indexation by EI Compendex, Thomson Reuters, Scopus, IET Inspec and; etc.

Very Important: The authors can present more than one paper with only one registration (maximum 3 papers).


Period for Submission is Open
Papers Submissions: April, 20 :: 23:59 – local time in Hawaiian Islands
Authors Notification: between one and three week/s after the submission/s
Camera-ready, full papers: May, 18 – 2015


Francisco V. Cipolla Ficarra (Chair – coordinator)
Pamela Fulton and Doris Edison (International Secretariat)

ALAIPO: Asociación Latina Interacción Persona-Ordenador –Latin Association of HCI (
AINCI: Asociación Internacional de la Comunicación Interactiva –International Association of Interactive Communication (


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