Zero-G simulator lets you float through an Oculus Rift space station

[From The Creators Project, where the post includes several animated gifs and a 4:24 minute video]

Weightless screenshot
Zero-G Simulator Lets You Float Through an Oculus Rift Space Station

By Beckett Mufson — Dec 16 2014

Even as space tourism becomes a reality, escaping Earth’s atmosphere is still well outside the average person’s price range. Virtual reality designer Martin Schubert has what might be a viable substitute in Weightless, a space station simulator that lets you nudge floating objects around with your hands. The current demo version is a submission to the Leap Motion 3D Jam game design competition, taking full advantage of Leap Motion’s innovative motion-tracking capabilities to create an experience absent from traditional video games. Writes Schubert, “The idea of gently nudging and inspecting objects in micro gravity would be very difficult with a traditional control scheme but with the Leap it feels really natural.”

Schubert says that Weightless has been downloaded about 1,000 times thus far, and he expects to release a full version by the end of next year.

Visit Schubert’s website here to keep up with the development of Weightless.


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