Call for Papers
First Issue – Yearbook of Moving Image Studies
“Cyborgian Images: The moving image between apparatus and body”
Deadline for Articles: December 31, 2014
The double-blind peer-reviewed Yearbook of Moving Image Studies (YoMIS) is now accepting articles from scientists, scholars, artists and film makers for the first issue entitled “Cyborgian Images: The moving image between apparatus and bod”. YoMIS will be enriched by disciplines like media and film studies, image science, (film) philosophy, art history, game studies and other research areas related to the moving image in general.
Modern perspectives on the structure of moving images exemplify a complex multimodal mechanism that interacts in specific ways with the recipient and various levels of the perception of images. In this case neither moving images nor the subjective reception are passive processes. Movement, time, space and different modalities interact with senses, memories and anticipation and create a complex hybrid structure of medium, recipient and sensory stimulus processing. This refers to the fact, that on the one hand the technological structure of displays and interfaces are relevant, and that on the other hand the role of the lived-body and mind is crucial for an understanding of the effects of the moving images. It is the interaction between the image, the dispositive and the recipient which brings the pictures to life and unfolds its meaning in diverse dimensions. This remarks become obvious when looking at the recent evolution in media technologies. New displays and interfaces like the Cinemizer (Zeiss), Oculus Rift (OculusVR) or Kinect (Microsoft) promote the progressive embodiment of the recipient or user by the medium, and, in doing so, they force the amalgamation of the subject of perception with the moving image.
Therefore “Cyborgian Images” addresses the broad field of the relationship between the technological dimension of the medium, its aesthetic and structural impact on the representational status of the moving image and the effect on the bodily level of the recipient, including affective and somatic reactions.
Contributions should be 5000 to 8000 words in length. Please send your abstract, biographical informations, contact details and your article to Dr. Lars C. Grabbe and Prof. Dr. Patrick Rupert-Kruse via: The official deadline for articles is December 31, 2014. If you are interested in contributing an article you will find a style sheet online: If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the managing editors via mail.
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