Call For Papers
Human Work Interaction Design for Pervasive and Smart Workplaces
At NordiCHI’14 (Helsinki, Finland; October 26-30)
Pervasive and smart technologies have pushed workplace configuration beyond linear logic and physical boundaries. As a result, workers¹ experience of and access to technology is increasingly pervasive, and their agency constantly reconfigured. While this in certain areas of work is not new (e.g., technology mediation and decision support in air traffic control), more recent developments in other domains such as healthcare (e.g., Augmented Reality in Computer Aided Surgery) have raised challenging issues for HCI researchers and practitioners. The question now is: how to improve the quality of workers¹ experience and outputs?
This workshop focuses on answering this question to support professionals, academia, national labs, and industry engaged in human work analysis and interaction design for the workplace. Conversely, tools, procedures, and professional competences for designing human-centered technologies for pervasive and smart workplaces will be discussed.
This workshop¹s overall objective is to provide the HCI field with sound tools, procedures, and professional competencies for designing human-centered technologies for pervasive and smart workplaces. This includes the following objectives:
- Learning from participants¹ experiences in different work domains when applying work analysis to support the interaction design of pervasive and smart workplaces;
- Exploring how work analysis and interaction design have evolved, have to evolve, and can be made to co-evolve in order to support workers in pervasive and smart workplaces;
- Identify novel ideas, principles, and techniques for how interaction design for pervasive and smart workplaces can ensure high quality usability and user experience for workers;
- Addressing the sociotechnical gap in work analysis and interaction design, specifically the little understood gap between social requirements and technical designs. We know that artifacts such as requirements analysis reports, design models, or prototypes help bridge the gap, but we do not know if, how, and why this helps;
- Designing simple interactions for complex work domains. How to be heedful of other agents’ intentions and plan, and how to align one’s own with those of others and with technologies in simple ways within complex work domains? Display and monitoring are traditional activities to support coordination, but this is not enough, and we need to know more about to humans can manage the workers¹ user experiences in pervasive and smart work places.
August 14th 2014: Submissions for position papers (23:59 GMT)
September 9th 2014: Notifications of acceptance
October 27th 2014: Workshop day (9-17)
The detailed schedule of the workshop day and the attendees’ presentations will be updated later.
Position paper submission:
Please submit a position paper of 2-6 pages in length (ACM Extended Abstract Format,, addressing the research questions or themes of the workshop. The paper should contribute directly or indirectly to at least one of the workshop objectives.
The papers are non-anonymized and will be reviewed by at least two program committee members and/or organizers.
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