Speech Technology and Human Computer Interaction Workshop
Scottish Informatics and Computer Science Alliance (SICSA)
March 27th 2014
Edinburgh, Scotland
Speech is becoming more common as an interaction modality, through its use as the principal means of interaction for Siri, Google Now and Google Glass and other commercially available devices. Over the years significant effort has been expended developing systems and solving issues in speech recognition, synthesis, and natural language processing leading to robust solutions in these areas. Yet there is currently a lack of attention on this modality from an HCI perspective. This SICSA workshop aims to harness the expertise in Scotland and the UK in these areas by bringing together researchers, students, practitioners and technologists from diverse fields (psychologists, linguistics, computer scientists, speech technologists, HCI researchers) from academia and industry to explore the nature of speech-based human-computer interactions and opportunities for cross disciplinary collaboration on mutual challenges.
The Event
The event will commence at 09:00 on the 27th March 2014 and will take place at the Informatics Forum at the University of Edinburgh.
The morning will focus on 4 invited talks by leading researchers in speech technology, HCI, psycholinguistics and natural user interactions.
Speakers include:
Russell Beale (HCI Centre, University of Birmingham)
Steve Renals (School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh)
Holly Branigan (School of Psychology, University of Edinburgh)
Per Ola Kristennson (School of Computer Science, University of St Andrews)
All attendees are encouraged to bring a poster of their recent work in related areas. The poster session will take place after the invited talks. Abstracts and titles will be printed in the delegate programme.
The event will also have a session for technology demonstrations of leading speech technology.
Attendance is free. Registration can be completed at the following link
If you wish to present a poster or a demo please select the relevant option when registering. We will be in touch 2 weeks before the workshop for further details such as abstracts, titles and technical specifications.
13th March: Registration deadline for attendees contributing to the poster or demo sessions.
20th March: Registration deadline.
Note: Registration will not be available on the day!
See also: Our partner workshop at the same venue on the 28th March on Designing and Interacting with Spatial Information in the Wild. Why not make it a two day event and meet us all for a drink on the Thursday night!
We look forward to seeing you in Edinburgh in March!
Matthew Aylett (University of Edinburgh)
Benjamin Cowan (University of Birmingham)
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