Call: Museum Education Today: Synergies and Innovations in Multicultural Contexts (Special issue of Museum & Society)

Call For Papers

For a special issue of Museum & Society journal
Museum education today: Synergies and innovations in multicultural contexts

Guest editors Dr Stella Sylaiou & Dr Anastasia Filippoupoliti

We invite papers for a forthcoming special issue of Museums & Society which will explore the current state in museum education theory and practice. Our rationale begins with the notion that museums can engage new audiences, trigger aesthetic sensitivities, exercise creativity and imagination. In today’s multicultural societies, museums need to explore new synergies with educational institutions and develop innovative means to address educational challenges in engaging ways. In addition, information and communications technologies (ICT) as a burgeoning field of investigation provide to museums a plethora of tools to share resources and communicate broadly to a wide range of users.

The purpose of this special issue is thus two-fold: (a) explore the synergies developed by museums in order to address the impact of informal education in multicultural contexts and (b) the ICT innovations imported in enhancing learning in informal and non-formal contexts.

Themes may include -but are not limited- to the following areas:

  • Museum education in multicultural contexts: new research questions
  • Community outreach and museum education
  • Engaging immigrants through museum education: emerging case studies Museums and schools: towards the re-definition of a creative synergy
  • Learning by doing through the use of interactive activities
  • Experiential-based learning and museum education
  • ICT and personalized museum education
  • Mobile experiences and museum education
  • Gamification and museum education
  • Crowdsourcing and museum education
  • Virtual and augmented reality and museum education

Send your abstract of 300 words along with a brief CV in both guest editors:

Dr Stella Sylaiou ( and Dr Anastasia Filippoupoliti (

Deadline for abstracts: end of May 2013

All accepted abstracts will undergo a double peer-review process.

The issue is scheduled for publication in November 2014.

For more information, feel free to contact the guest editors.

Brief CVs of guest editors

Stella SYLAIOU has a B.Sc. in History and Archaeology (AUTh), a M.Sc. degree in Archaeological Computing (University of Southampton, UK), a Diploma in Open and Distance Learning (Hellenic Open University), a M.A. in Museology (AUTh) and a Ph.D. degree from Inter-departmental Postgraduate Program, Protection, Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Monuments (AUTh), Greece, part of which was funded by the Marie Curie Scholarship for the Transfer of Knowledge (Centre of VLSI and Computer Graphics, University of Sussex, UK). From 2009 till today she teaches at the Fine Art and Art Sciences Department, University of Ioannina, Greece, the Visual and Applied Arts Department, University of Western Macedonia, Greece, the School of Social Sciences (M.Sc. in Cultural Organisations Management) of the Hellenic Open University, the Department of Geomatics & Surveying of the Technological Educational Institute of Serres. She carried out two postdoctoral researches funded by funded by the Greek State Scholarships and Research Committee of Aristotle University, Thessaloniki. She participated in eight research projects, she has nine publications in scientific journals, twenty peer-reviewed articles in conferences. Her research interests lie in the areas of Cultural Informatics, Digital Humanities, Museum Education, Cultural Communication, Cultural Management and Museology.

Anastasia FILIPPOUPOLITI is a lecturer in pedagogics and museum education at the Department of Education Sciences in Preschool Age at the Democritus University of Thrace. She also teaches at the Hellenic Open University in the postgraduate course of Cultural Organisations Management. She has obtained a B.A. in Philosophy and History of Science (University of Athens), and an M.A. and a Ph.D degree in Museum Studies (both from the University of Leicester, UK). She has been a post-doctoral researcher in museology at the Austrian Academy of Sciences. She has worked at the Piraeus Bank Group Cultural Foundation as the project manager of the EU-funded project The Environment Museum of Stymfalia. Among her publications is the two-volume edited book Science Exhibitions: Communication and Evaluation and Science Exhibitions: Curatiοn and Design (Edinburgh: MuseumsEtc, 2010). Her research interests span the areas of museology, science communication and museum education with a particular focus on science and technology museums, science exhibitions and related educational programmes.


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