Call: Design4Health 2013 exhibits/creative works

design4health2013: invention, adoption and diffusion

Lab4Living at sheffield Hallam University is pleased to announce the Call for Papers of the 2nd European conference on Design 4 Health 2013. The conference will be held at Sheffield Hallam University from 3-5 July 2013, Sheffield (UK).

About the conference

This conference seeks to explore the relationship between design, and health and wellbeing. Good design can deliver widespread benefits to society but how can design practice and processes meet the challenges of health and wellbeing in the 21st Century? Through this conference we aim to develop environments and propose creative strategies for future living in which people of all ages and abilities ‘not merely survive’ but are enabled and empowered to live with dignity, independence and fulfilment.

The conference brings together designers and creative practitioners with researchers, clinicians, policy makers and users to discuss, disseminate and test their approaches and methods. The conference features an exhibition of innovative health related product and service solutions, and creative responses to health and wellbeing issues, plus special sessions and workshops.

Participants might include designers, practitioners and researchers in health and wellbeing, representatives from health and design industries and funding bodies, and creative practitioners.

We invite submissions to the conference in two forms: papers submissions and exhibition proposals. Participants may submit either or both. Details of the call for papers are on our website.

The conference will feature an exhibition of innovative health related creative responses, product, and service solutions to health and wellbeing issues, plus special sessions and workshops.


Exhibition proposal deadline: 22 February 2013
Submissions accepted: February- March 2013
Delegate registration opens: 4 February 2013
Delegate registration closes: 21 June 2013

Call for Exhibition Proposals

A peer reviewed exhibition will be held as part of the conference. We invite creative responses to healthcare issues from across the art and design disciplines, including fashion and textiles, digital media, information design, furniture and product design. This might take the form of artistic interventions, interactive displays, as well as innovative product and service solutions. We invite individuals, organisations and industry to submit creative projects that they believe make significant progress in design for health.

Paper presentations at the conference will address the themes of the conference, described below. Submissions to the exhibition may address the conference themes or respond to broader issues in health and wellbeing. Exhibitors are also encouraged to submit a paper to the conference, to describe their work and research in more detail. Details of how to submit a paper are on our website at

All submissions will be independently peer-reviewed by members of the Design for Health 2013 review panel. Prizes will be awarded for the best exhibit at the conference. If your exhibit is selected for inclusion in the exhibition, you will be expected to attend the conference as a paying delegate.

Please submit a visual description (in PDF format) including a 100 word abstract describing the submission and the rationale behind its creation. The abstract should also contain details of what you intend to exhibit (e.g. poster, artefact etc.). Please also provide details of any specific requirements you will need for your exhibit e.g. equipment, technical support, security measures, estimated value (if over £3000) for insurance purposes. If you would like more information about the exhibition space, or an informal chat about submitting an artefact, please feel free to contact us before making your submission. Proposals should be submitted electronically by 22nd February 2013. Details of how to do this are on our website at

Conference Themes

The conference will explore creative approaches and perspectives to enhance understanding, experience and improve efficiency of health and wellbeing services and products.

Key themes:

Implementation and sustainability; Opportunities and barriers to innovation; Understanding the process of invention, adoption and diffusion; Usability and Acceptability; Impact of product and new service interventions on patients and carers in terms of safety and quality of life; Evaluation; Evaluating effectiveness and value of new products, systems and services on the health community (including patients, clinicians and policy makes)

Areas of interest include

  • Interdisciplinary working
  • Research methods
  • Co-design
  • Open design
  • Patient participation
  • Identity and dignity
  • Self-care and management
  • Chronic/long term conditions
  • Procurement and regulatory restrictions
  • Patient safety
  • Evidence based design
  • Raising public awareness and changing perceptions


Before making your submission, please read the Author Guidelines and Submission Guidelines, which can be downloaded from our website at

To submit your exhibition proposal, go to

Contact us

More information about the conference, including sponsorship packages, is at

For an informal discussion about submitting a paper or exhibit, you can contact the Conference Director, Dr Alaster Yoxall (; t: 0114 225 6754) or Conference Organising Officer, Kirsty Christer (; t: 0114 225 6811).

For general conference enquiries, please email or contact Kirsty Christer on +44 (0)114 225 6811.

Please join our conference mailing list at to ensure that you receive up to date information about the submission and refereeing process and arrangements for the event itself.

More information at or contact us at


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