Call: Communication Theory at 2013 Central States Communication Association (CSCA) Conference


Call for Submissions

2013 Central States Communication Association Conference

Kansas City Marriott Downtown

Kansas City, Missouri

Communicating the Possible

April 2 – April 7, 2013

The Communication Theory Interest Group welcomes submissions of competitive papers and panel proposals for the 2013 CSCA Conference. Any topic related to communication theory is welcome. We encourage submissions that not only focuses on the convention theme, “Communicating the Possible, but also on scholarship that highlights key intersections uniting communication scholars from varying areas of study and intellectual traditions.

The Communication Theory Interest Group is especially interested in submissions that:

  • Extend and push current theory into new areas (e.g., social media, online life; dark side research)
  • Examine current developments and/or advances in communication theory
  • Represent distinctive ways of theorizing about communication and culture in everyday lives, including performance-based methods
  • Address beneficial ways of teaching communication theory (all theoretically-grounded pedagogical approaches will be reviewed)
  • Consider the relationship between theory and method
  • Contribute to the development of communication as a theoretically-informed discipline

We welcome various types of submissions, including competitive paper panels, response and discussion panels, roundtable discussions, dialogue sessions, and debates. We welcome submissions from faculty, undergraduate and graduate students, and communication practitioners whose work is informed by communication theory.

The top competitive student paper and the top competitive paper by a faculty member or professional will be given a cash award. Other researchers submitting the top three papers will receive recognition.

Guidelines for submission of competitive papers and panel proposals:

Competitive papers must conform to the specifications of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), 6th edition. On the title page (separate from the remainder of the document) include the name(s) of author(s), institutional affiliation(s), and contact information. All author references must be removed from the text of the paper. Students submitting papers should mark the title page as a STUDENT submission. Authors should strive to keep their submissions to a maximum of 30 pages (not including title page, references, appendices, etc.). This is not a firm requirement, but it will aid in the reviewing process.

Panel proposals must include a title, the name of person responsible for the program, and names, institutional affiliations, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses of each panel participant. Include a 200-word abstract for the panel AND a 100-word abstract or brief explanation for each participant’s purpose/perspective. Panel proposals must also include a 2013 CSCA “Panel Proposal Form” (

Submit papers and proposals as MICROSOFT WORD (only) attachments to Adam Tyma (

Submissions must be received by October 5, 2012, by 5 pm. Only complete papers and/or proposals will be considered. Upon paper submission, please indicate in your email if a/v equipment is needed. CSCA will attempt to provide LCD projectors and screens. We cannot approve or grant requests for such technology as overhead projectors, VCRs/DVDs, PCs, camcorders, laser printers, satellite links, teleconference equipment, and video data projectors. Individuals may elect to rent such equipment at the conference at their own expense. Such equipment may not be charged to CSCA. Individuals may bring their own equipment, unless prohibited by the conference hotel. Any audiovisual equipment requested by participants at the conference, but not at the time of submission, will not be provided by nor charged to CSCA.

If you have questions or need additional information please contact:

Adam W. Tyma, PhD
CTIG Program Planner
Assistant Professor, Visual Communication and Culture
University of Nebraska at Omaha

CSCACTIG@Gmail.Com (for conference questions) or (for other questions)
Phone: 402.554.4877


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