Call: Film, Game, Emotion, Brain summer school at University of Amsterdam

The Center for Creation, Content and Technology (CCCT) at the University of Amsterdam
Film, Game, Emotion, Brain summer school
July 14 -21 2012

Are you a postdoctoral researcher or a final year PHD student and you want to practice envisioning and setting up interdisciplinary research projects? And are you interested in accounts of the experience of film and games from the perspectives of psychology, neuroscience, computer science or cognitive media studies? Then participate in the CCCT summer school Film, Game, Emotion and the Brain in the center of Amsterdam, July 14- 21.

During this week you will work together in teams with fellow postdocs and PhDs on an interdisciplinary research proposal. You will be coached by experienced researchers involved actual in interdisciplinary collaborative research in the field. You will exchange views and expertise with your international colleagues and with seniors. You may test your views, engage in new collaborations and plan actual research projects.

CCCT is a University of Amsterdam platform for collaboration among disciplines, including brain and cognition, information science, humanities and the social sciences. One of the ways we promote collaboration among disciplines is through thematic summer schools. The 2011 summer school’s theme was on empathy in media and art works, and it was a great success, resulting in many forms of collaboration.

There are no fees for participation, just a selection on the basis of matching research interests. And isn’t Amsterdam the place to be in summer anyway…


Go to and sign up for the Summer School. Based on your qualifications we will determine if you are a suitable candidate for the Summer School. The deadline for applications is on the 5th of May.


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