Research on the blurring of reality and fiction in ARGs: Short online survey
Hello fellow ARG players and researchers,
My name is Mela Kocher and I am a Swiss games researcher. For my post-doc research project I am focusing on the blurring of the line between reality and fiction in alternate reality games (ARGs). The research project is sponsored by the Swiss National Science Foundation (
I am curious how the TINAG aesthetics are implemented in the game design and how players interpret the games in relation to the topic of reality and fiction. I’ve been playing ARGs myself and had very exciting experiences and discussions. Now I’d like to widen the scope and ask you as a member of the ARG community about how you deal with the reality-fiction-questions. I am conducting a web survey on the blurring of the lines between reality and fiction. The survey should take less than ten minutes. If you like you can leave your address at the end and enter my survey lottery to receive a Swiss goodie bag 😀
I would be very grateful if you’d share your thoughts here:
Thank you very much, and have a super day!
Mela Kocher
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