Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction & Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (HCI-KDD) @ USAB 2011
Conference Papers due to August, 8, 2011
Motto: “Human intelligence harnesses machine power” (Ben Shneiderman (2011))
In Biomedicine, Health Care, Clinical Medicine and the Life Sciences professional end users are confronted with increased masses of data. Research in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and Information Retrieval (IR) or Knowledge Discovery in Databases and Data Mining (KDD) respectively, has long been working to develop methods that help end users to identify, extract, visualize and understand useful information from these masses of high dimensional and mostly weakly structured data. HCI and IR/KDD, however, take very different perspectives in tackling this challenge; and historically, they have had little collaboration. Our goal is to support professional end users to interactively analyse information properties and to visualize the most relevant parts without getting overwhelmed. The challenge is to bring HCI & IR/KDD to work together and hence reap the benefits, so that Computer Science/Informatics can benefit the areas of Medicine, Health Care and the Life Sciences even more.
This special expert workshop is intended to establish a joint cooperation platform for interested experts who regard the extremely important application area of Biomedicine, Health and Life Sciences as important for their future research. The workshop is planned on Thursday, November, 24, 2011 within the context of USAB 2011 – Information Quality in e-Health, see main conference page:
Paper submission is due to August, 8, 2011 – please follow the general submission process of USAB 2011:
All workshop papers will be reviewed by at least three international experts. Accepted papers will be included in the main proceedings, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS).
Workshop Papers are in the format of short papers. Submit via the ConfTool:
The absolute deadline for the camera ready version in the Springer LNCS Style is September, 18, 2011.
Maimon & Rokach (2010) state in their book “Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery” : “Knowledge Discovery demonstrates intelligent computing at its best, and is the most desirable and interesting end-product of Information Technology”. The real challenge is to enable effective human control over powerful machine services and to integrate statistical methods and information visualization, so as to support human insight, breakthrough discoveries, and bold decisions – primary research objectives in the field of Human-Computer Interaction. Consequently, the aim of this workshop is to bring together experts of both areas: Knowledge Discovery/Information Retrieval with Human-Computer Interaction/Usability Engineers.
Some hot topics of future research inlcude – but are not limited to: Human-Computer Interaction and …
- … Multimedia Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (e.g. in high dimensional and weakly structured data)
- … Swarm Intelligence (collective intelligence) and Collaborative Data Mining
- … Intelligent, interactive multivariate Information Visualization and Visual Analytics
- … Multimedia Data Exploration and Visualization
- … Time-Oriented Data and Information (e.g. longitudinal data and time series data)
- … Novel Search User Interaction Techniques
- … Future Interaction Techniques (science fiction today is science fact of tomorrow)
- … Modelling of Human Search Behavior and Understanding Human Information Needs
- … Methods and Methodologies (e.g. Support Vector Machines, Maximum Entropy Modeling, …)
- … Text Mining and Information Extraction
International Scientific Workshop Committee:
Mounir BEN AYED, École Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Sfax (ENIS) & Université de Sfax, TN
Matt-Mouley BOUAMRANE, University of Glasgow, UK
Kapetanios EPAMINONDAS, University of Westminster, London, UK
Alexandru FLOARES, Oncological Institute Cluj-Napoca, RO
Adinda FREUDENTHAL, Technical University Delft, NL
Jun Luke HUAN, University of Kansas, Lawrence, US
Anthony HUNTER, UCL University College London, UK
Kalervo JÄRVELIN, University of Tampere, FI
Igor JURISICA, IBM Life Sciences Discovery Centre & University of Toronto, CA
Jiří KLEMA, Czech Technical University, Prague, CZ
Lubos KLUCAR, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, SK
Patti KOSTKOVA, City University London, UK
Damjan KRSTAJIC, Research Centre for Cheminformatics, Belgrade, RS
Natsuhiko KUMASAKA, Center for Genomic Medicine (CGM), Tokyo, JP
Nada LAVRAC, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, SI
Luca LONGO, Trinity College Dublin, IE
András LUKACS, Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Eötvös University, Budapest, HU
Avi MA’ AYAN, The Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York, US
Ljiljana MAJNARIC-TRTICA, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University, Osijek, HR
Martin MIDDENDORF, University of Leipzig, DE
Silvia MIKSCH, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, AT
Antonio MORENO-RIBAS, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, ES
Jan PARALIC, Technical University of Kosice, SK
Gabriella PASI, Università di Milano Bicocca, Milan, IT
Armando J. PINHO, Universidade the Aveiro, PT
Margit POHL, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, AT
Paul RABADAN, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, US
Heri RAMAMPIARO, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NO
Dietrich REBHOLZ, European Bioinformatics Institute, Cambridge, UK
Paola SEBASTIANI, Boston University, US
Andrzej SKOWRON, University of Warszaw, PL
Neil R. SMALHEISER, University of Illinois at Chicago, US
Olof TORGERSSON, Chalmers University of Technology and University of Gothenburg, Göteburg, SE
Patricia ORDONEZ-ROZO, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Baltimore, US
Jianhua RUAN, University of Texas at San Antonio, US
Pinar YILDIRIM, Okan University, Istanbul, TR
Minlu ZHANG, University of Cincinnati, US
Xuezhong ZHOU, Beijing Jiaotong University, CN
The outcome of this workshop should be threefold:
- Start up of a Network of Excellence (NoE)
- Defining a research agenda and roadmap via the publication of Post-Proceedings
- Start of a joint publication of a volume of the Springer London Human-Computer Interaction Series [The Blue Springer Series] (The Blue Series)
Workshop Organization: Andreas HOLZINGER & Klaus-Martin SIMONIC
Inquiries: a.holzinger AT
We are looking forward to working with you!
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