ICCE 2011 Workshop
On “Real Education in Virtual Worlds”
URL: http://dtrip.ice.ntnu.edu.tw/CFP/2011REVW_CFP.htm
November 28, 2011 ~ December 2, 2011, Chiang Mai, Thailand
Held in conjunction with The 19th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2011)
Virtual worlds have generated much attention and interest among educators and researchers over the last few years. To response the increasing calls for practical evidences of applying virtual worlds in educational settings, the first workshop on Real Education in Second Life was held in conjunction with The 18th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE2010). We had a fruitful harvest in the workshop. Researchers and educators from different countries got together to share and exchange experiences in Second Life. To expand the participance and influences, the second workshop on Real Education in Second Life is renamed as Real Education in Virtual Worlds. All the researchers and educators of virtual worlds, such as Second Life, online game, virtual reality, augmented reality, etc, are very welcome to join us. The two-hour workshop will provide a forum where international participants can share knowledge, experiences and concerns on related educational issues in Virtual Worlds and explore directions for future research collaborations.
Organizing Committee
Yu-Ju Lan, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
Program Committee (alphabetic order)
- Mark J.W. Lee, Charles Sturt University and University of New England, Australia
- Lung Hsiang Wong, National Institute of Education, Singapore
- Tianwei Xie, California State University, Long Beach, USA
Scope of interests includes, but not limited to:
- Theories behind learning and teaching in Virtual Worlds
- New features and capabilities scheduled for Virtual Worlds by the Immersive Education Initiative
- Virtual Worlds pedagogy and learning design
- Constructions of Virtual Worlds learning infrastructure
- Socio-cultural perspectives and implications of education in Virtual Worlds
- Teachers¡¦ professional development for translation and scaling up of Virtual Worlds educational models
- An overview of Immersive Education¡¦s K-12 program for Virtual Worlds users
- Virtual Worlds environments for self-directed, collaborative and socio-constructivist learning
- Virtual Worlds communities for users, builders, developers and administrators
- Virtual Worlds environments on special learning domains (e.g., foreign language learning, science education, social science study)
- Virtual worlds in open, distance and flexible learning contexts
- Virtual worlds and competency-based training
- Assessment and evaluation of learning in virtual worlds
- Virtual worlds in informal learning (e.g., libraries, academic support services, student societies/guilds, careers, alumni, marketing and recruitment)
Paper submission
- Paper length: 4-8 pages, A4 size
- Language: English
- Submission: email attachment to yujulan@gmail.com, each paper will be reviewed by at least two reviewers
Paper Format
The maximum page length is 8 pages and the format follows the template in Author Guidelines of ICCE 2011 (http://www.nectec.or.th/icce2011/callForPapers/authorGuidelines.html).
Important Dates
- Submission deadline: August 27, 2011
- Acceptance notifications: September 3, 2011
- Final version deadline for workshop paper: October 8, 2011
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