eNTERFACE’11 the 7th International Summer Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces
Call for Participation
The eNTERFACE workshops aim at establishing a tradition of collaborative, localized research and development work by gathering, in a single place, a team of leading professionals in multimodal human-machine interfaces together with students (both graduate and undergraduate), to work on a prespecified list of challenges, for 4 complete weeks. In this respect, it is an innovative and intensive collaboration scheme, designed to allow researchers to integrate their software tools, deploy demonstrators, collect novel databases, and work side by side with a great number of experts. It brings together 80 researchers for a whole month, subsequently it is the largest workshop on multimodal interfaces.
The workshop is held on an anual basis, in July-August, and organized around several research projects dealing with multimodal human-machine interfaces design. It is thus radically different from traditional scientific workshops, in which only specialists meet for a few days to discuss state-of-the art problems, but do not really work together.
The eNTERFACE was initiated by the FP6 Network of Excellence SIMILAR. After the completion of SIMILAR, the workshop continued to attract wide interest under the aegis of the OpenInterface Foundation. It was organized by Faculté Polytechnique de Mons in 2005, University of Zagreb in 2006, Bogaziçi University in 2007, CNRS-LIMSI in 2008, University of Genova in 2009, and University of Amsterdam in 2010.
eNTERFACE’11 is organized by the University of West Bohemia, Faculty of Applied Sceinces, Department of Cybernetics in Plzeň, the Czech Republic.
Senior researchers, PhD, MS, or undergraduate students are now invited to submit an application for participation at eNTERFACE ’11. All those interested in participating at the workshop should send their application by emailing the organizing committee at e11@kky.zcu.cz. The application should contain:
- A short CV.
- A list of preferred project(s) to work on. Look at the Projects & Teams page for project options. The full project descriptions include a list of opened positions for each project. Each participant is supposed to participate (except in rare exceptional cases) in a single project.
- A list of interests/skills to offer for these projects. In case there is too many applicants for one project you may be selected for participation of second or third of projects you mention in your application (if you do so).
- The possible dates of participation. Generally it is expected that participants will take part in the workshop as a whole and attend it for the whole 4 weeks. Of course we understand that especially in case of senior researchers busy by other tasks it cannot be achieved, in such case indicate it in your application.
- Accommodation preferences. This is not relevant for the selection process, which is done by project leaders. But we would like to have idea how many participants will stay in offered dormitories and which are going to search accommodation by themselves. We have reserved number of rooms in dormitories (facility of the university), that are not far from the venue.
- The workshop attendance is free for all participants, but participants must pay for travel, accommodation, and living from their own funds. The estimated costs are like this: accommodation in dormitories 380 EUR in case of single occupancy, 230 EUR in case of double occupancy of the room – per person per whole 4 weeks, accommodation in a hotel depends on a level of the hotel and can be between 25 (small family hotel) and 100 (for luxurious hotel) EUR per night; meals can be around 500 EUR for the whole 4 weeks, it can be about a half or less if you cook yourself at the dorm and university canteen is open (we will check), and of course twice more or even more if you visit only the high level restaurants. Also, we expect participants to bring their own laptops.
Important dates:
April 15th, 2011 – Closing of the Call for Participation
April 29th, 2011 – Publication of teams
August 1st – August 26th – eNTERFACE’11 Workshop
Correspondence to: e11@kky.zcu.cz
More information: http://enterface11.zcu.cz/