Call: Re-Thinking Technology in Museums 2011: Emerging Experiences

“Re-Thinking Technology in Museums 2011: Emerging Experiences”

Hosted by the UL Interaction Design Centre and the Irish Museums Association, with the support of IxDA Limerick

University of Limerick, Ireland
May 26-27, 2011

New Deadline for paper submissions: 20th of February

Themes of the Conference

in 2005 “Re-Thinking Technology in Museums” brought together a group of academics and practitioners discussing novel ways of conceptualizing the museum experience in light of the presence of interactive technologies. The second edition of this conference on the theme of “Emerging Experience” will further the discussion on novel approaches for understanding people¹s experiences in museums and galleries, and for designing interactive technologies to support these experiences. In recent years, the increased presence of mobile smart appliances such as smart phones, and the growth of social media and social networks have impacted on the strategies deployed by museums and exhibition sites to invite, engage and connect with visitors and stakeholders. It’s important to reflect on how museums/galleries and visitors have been affected from an experiential point of view: what have museums and galleries become? And what about the role of visitors? How are meaningful and rewarding experiences emerging in this context?

“Re-Thinking Technology in Museums 2011” invites submissions discussing:

  • Conceptual approaches to studying the experiential qualities of visits (such as social interaction, development of a sense of place, learning and critical reflection);
  • Descriptions of methodological approaches for understanding visitors’ experience;
  • Case studies describing museum’s staff experiences in understanding and supporting visitors by means of technology;
  • Case studies describing the design of interactive (low-tech and high-tech) exhibitions, and the deployment of other IT tools such as social media;
  • Case studies describing the development of educational workshops and/or installations in museums and galleries aided by interactive technologies.

We encourage social scientists, museum education and communication experts, curators, exhibition designers, interaction designers and computer scientists to submit a paper. We particularly welcome submissions from museum and gallery experts, describing their current practices in supporting visitors’ experiences and their concerns in supporting visitors’ engagement, interest and informal learning, as much as from researchers exploring the potential of new technologies and suggesting innovative designs.

The Conference will also include a workshop session hosted by the Irish Museums Association open to IMA members only (More details to be announced), and an “Innovation Forum” organised by IxDA Limerick.

The conference papers will be published in a Book of Proceedings and also be made available on-line. A selection of papers will be selected for possible inclusion in a journal special issue and, potentially, an edited book (we are currently negotiating with publishers).

Important Dates

**Full Papers due: EXTENDED DEADLINE**
February 20th, 2011

March 31st 2011

Camera Ready papers due
April 15th 2011

May 26th-27th 2011

Submission guidelines

Papers should be anonymized and submitted in either MS Word or PDF formats. Please submit Full papers, not abstracts. Papers should not exceed an absolute maximum of 6,000 words. Shorter papers of around 3,000 words are welcome. Authors should use the template available at:

Submissions should be made by email to:

All papers will be subject to blind peer review.

For more information

Queries should be directed to
Twitter: @techmuseums2011


Conference Committees

Conference Chair
Luigina Ciolfi, Interaction Design Centre, University of Limerick, Ireland

Organising Committee
Luigina Ciolfi, Mikael Fernström, Marc McLoughlin, Anne Murphy UL IDC
Katherine Scott, Irish Museums Association

Webmaster and Technical Support
Fabiano Pinatti, UL IDC

Program Committee

Linda Ballard, Ulster Folk and Transport Museum, Northern Ireland
Liam Bannon, University of Limerick, Ireland
Dominique Bouchard, The Hunt Museum, Ireland
Kieran Burns, Number 29 Dublin and IMA, Ireland
Luigina Ciolfi, University of Limerick, Ireland
Brian Coates, University of Limerick, Ireland
Eileen Coates, Independent Curator, Ireland
Michael Cooke, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Patrick Cooke, University College Dublin, Ireland
Brian Crowley, Pearse Museum and IMA, Ireland
Vincenzo D’Andrea, University of Trento, Italy
Lily Diaz, University of Art and Design Helsinki, Finland
Maria Economou, University of the Aegean, Greece
Mikael Fernström University of Limerick, Ireland
Mike Fraser, University of Bristol, UK
Areti Galani, Newcastle University, UK
Elisa Giaccardi, Univ. Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Georgina Goodlander, Smithsonian American Art Museum, USA
Halina Gottlieb, Interactive Institute, Sweden
Paul Green, Cork Institute of Technology, Ireland
Tony Hall, NUI Galway, Ireland
Jon Hindmarsh, Kings College London, UK
Eva Hornecker, University of Strathclyde, UK
Tobie Kerridge, Goldsmiths University of London, UK
Ann Light, Sheffield-Hallam University, UK
Carlo Maiolini, Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali, Italy
John McCarthy, University College Cork, Ireland
Marc McLoughlin, University of Limerick, Ireland
Annette Moloney Independent Curator, Ireland
Helen Monaghan, National Gallery of Ireland
Joan Nordbotten, University of Bergen, Norway
Shaleph O’Neill, University of Dundee, UK
Daniela Petrelli, University of Sheffield, UK
Palmyre Pierroux, University of Oslo, Norway
Pille Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, University of Tartu, Estonia
Elisa Rubegni, Universita’ della Svizzera Italiana, Switzerland
Mariana Salgado, University of Art and Design Helsinki, Finland
Dagny Stuedahl, University of Oslo, Norway
Loic Tallon, Pocket-Proof, UK
Michael Twidale, University of Illinois, USA
Dirk vom Lehn, King’s College London, UK
Kevin Walker, London Knowledge Lab, UK

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