Call for Papers: Symposium on Adapted and Personalised Interaction at AISB 2011
Thursday, 7th April, 2011
This symposium is aimed to bring together all strands of research in the intersection of AI and human-computer interaction (HCI) to look specifically at developing interactive systems that adapt to the needs of individual users. The scope of the symposium is deliberately broad and can cover anything from systems that can adapt to make themselves more accessible to disabled users, through systems designed to manage the emotional responses of users, to games that adapt themselves to provide a more enjoyable playing experience.
We would like to receive papers up to 8 pages long describing novel, previously unpublished research that addresses the broad remit of the symposium. Topics could include, but are not restricted to:
- Adaptive games
- Personalisation for accessibility
- Evaluating personalising systems
- Recommender systems
- Adapting for emotional experiences
- Adaptation and persuasion
Useful dates
Submission deadline: 22nd January, 2011
Review decisions: 19th February, 2011
Camera-ready copy: 5th March, 2011
Symposium date: Thursday, 7th April, 2011
Dr Paul Cairns (pcairns; +44 (0)1904 32 5674)
Dr Alistair Edwards (alistair)
Prof. Helen Petrie (petrie)
Dr. Chris Power (cpower)
All emails are ‘at’