The Image Conference 2010
The 2010 International Conference on the Image will be held at the University of California in Los Angeles, USA from 2-3 December 2010.
We invite prospective participants to submit a presentation proposal for one of the following parallel session options: a 30-minute paper; a 60-minute workshop; a jointly presented 90-minute colloquium session; or a virtual session. We also encourage innovative presentation formats, such as roundtables, staged dialogues, screenings and performances. Parallel sessions are loosely grouped into streams reflecting different perspectives or disciplines. Each stream forms a talking circle, an informal forum for focused discussion of issues and conference themes.
This conference is a means by which to interrogate the nature and functions of image-making and images. The conference is a cross-disciplinary forum bringing together researchers, teachers and practitioners from areas of interest including: architecture, art, cognitive science, communications, computer science, cultural studies, design, education, film studies, history, linguistics, management, marketing, media studies, museum studies, philosophy, photography, psychology, religious studies, semiotics, and more.
Participants may choose to submit written papers before or after the conference for possible publication in the peer reviewed The International Journal of the Image. Virtual participants also have the option to submit papers for consideration by the journal. All registered conference participants receive a complimentary online subscription to the journal when registration is finalized. This subscription is valid until one year after the conference end-date.
If you would like to know more about this conference, bookmark the The Image Conference website and return for further information and regular updates. You may also wish to subscribe to ‘The Image’, the Newsletter of the conference and journal.
For all inquiries, please contact the Conference Secretariat.
All registered participants (including virtual participants) have the option to submit papers to The International Journal of the Image. Papers submitted for publication will be fully refereed through a peer review process. The publication decision is based on the referees’ reports. For more information about the journal please visit the Publish Your Paper page.
Submission Deadline
The deadline for the current round in the Call for Papers is 4 November 2010. Please return to this page after this date for subsequent rounds and deadlines in the Call for Papers. Proposals received during earlier rounds, when accompanied by a paid registration, will be given scheduling priority.
College of Education, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign