Call: 2010 Workshop on Designing Ambient Interactions – Pervasive Ergonomic Interfaces for Ageing Well (DAI 2010)

The 2010 Workshop on Designing Ambient Interactions – Pervasive Ergonomic Interfaces for Ageing Well (DAI 2010)

to be held at the AMI 2010 conference
Malaga, Spain, 10 November 2010

Extended Submission Deadline: Sunday 17 October 2010


The AmI ’10 (one-day) workshop titled “Designing Ambient Interactions – Pervasive Ergonomic Interfaces for Ageing Well”, will address the large number of emerging ergonomic and ambient interfaces that facilitate elderly inclusion and accessibility in the digital society. A large number of such interfaces and related interaction techniques (e.g. computing surfaces, voice/speech interfaces, haptics, multi-modal interfaces, context-aware interfaces, location-based interaction mechanisms) have been recently penetrating the AAL field in a number of application domains, including home care, cognitive rehabilitation, social networking and interaction, experience sharing. From a technical viewpoint the above interfaces and interaction disciplines are based on a number of emerging technologies that fall in the broader range of pervasive computing and ambient intelligence. The aim of the workshop will be to explore all aspects associated with the design, development, deployment, use and evaluation of the above-mentioned interfaces. As a result, it will cover the whole lifecycle associated with leading edge interfaces and associated interactions.


The organizers invite all researchers that focus on HCI and interaction research to participate in this workshop and to share your views on innovative methods of interaction and evaluation of AAL environments for the very challenging task of pervasive design-for-all multimodal interaction. Position papers are invited (but not limited to) the following topics:

  • Interaction techniques that are used or possible to be used for AAL environments for older users
  • Examples from other domains (e.g. healthcare and assistive technology) with relevant aspects of interaction and user evaluation
  • Pervasive context-aware systems facilitating older users’ interactions
  • Frameworks and heuristics on older user interactions with AAL products
  • User experience issues in AAL environments, in particular home context.
  • Case studies and examples of real-world AAL systems and their evaluation
  • Ethical and privacy questions regarding AAL systems and different interaction styles

Submissions are expected in the form of 2-4 page position papers, describing the area of research, specific work (empirical or theoretical) on the workshop topic and the innovative character of the research at hand. At least one author of accepted papers needs to register for the workshop and for one day of the conference itself. Submissions should follow the Springer LNCS guidelines and can submitted through the workshop website under


  • Deadline for submissions: Extended to Sunday 17 October 2010
  • Feedback to authors: Extended to Wednesday 20 October 2010
  • Workshop DAI’10: Wednesday 10 November 2010

For more and up-to-date information visit the workshop’s web site:

For inquiries please contact the organizers at


Arjan Geven (CURE)
Sebastian Prost (CURE)
Manfred Tscheligi (HCI & Usability Unit, ICT&S Center)
John Soldatos (Athens Information Technology – AIT)
Mari Feli Gonzalez (INGEMA)

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