Call for Participation • Interactive Papers
The 2011 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW 2011)
March 19-23,2011 • Hangzhou, China
Interactive Papers will be presented in a special Poster Session where researchers will interact directly with conference attendees. The posters will then remain up throughout the remainder of the conference.
The major difference from the previous CSCW conferences is that the Interactive Papers for CSCW 2011 will be archived in the ACM Digital Library. Note that authors still retain copyright of the paper.
Accepted Interactive Papers will be published in the Conference
Proceedings that will be circulated to attendees at registration.
November 19, 2010, 11:00 p.m. PDT: Submissions due via email
December 17, 2010: Notification of acceptance
January 7, 2011: Final versions due
Appropriate topic areas for CSCW include all contexts in which technology is used to mediate human activities such as communication, coordination, cooperation, competition, entertainment, education, medicine, art, music, and play. The technology may include: email, instant messaging, blogs, social media, shared workspaces, teleconferencing, games, co-located systems, robotics, and emerging technologies. As you think of ways to participate in the conference, may this year’s theme of “Building Bridges” inspire you to make new connections between social and technical communities and with the Asian CSCW research community.
Given the broad charter of the CSCW research area, we are interested both in research on the core themes which have made CSCW an intellectually rich and rigorous community, and on submissions that push the boundaries of CSCW research and illustrate the diverse technologies which facilitate collaboration. Possible topics include:
- Innovative systems to support collaborative activity: group formation, awareness, coordination, telepresence, shared interaction, etc.
- New collective or collaborative user experiences enabled by social media, Web 2.0, Enterprise 2.0, social networking, wikis, etc.
- Emerging issues for global, cross-cultural coordination and communication
- Innovative installations: CSCW and the arts, media, museums, other public spaces
- Studies of the introduction and use of technologies from social, cultural, and organizational perspectives
- Applying social science methods (ethnographic, experimental, empirical, etc.) to study and understand collaborative experiences and practices
- Novel methodologies and tools for the design and analysis of collaborative practices
- New theoretical approaches and frameworks for understanding coordination and communication
- Collaborative experiences enabled by mobile devices, location-based services, advanced sensing systems, and other emerging technologies
- Multi-player gaming and Virtual Environments
- Systems for emergency preparedness and large-scale rapid deployment (e.g. disaster response)
- Collaborative domains: Computer Supported Cooperative Healthcare, Human Robotic Collaboration, Education, Collaboratories, Government
- Studies exploring the appropriate balance between individual and collaborative work.
- Visions of future directions for CSCW
Interactive Papers submissions should use the Extended Abstract Format: no longer than 4 pages, including all figures and references. In addition, submissions should also include a separate Tabloid sized draft of the poster for review purposes. A Tabloid is an 11 × 17 inches format. Please submit the 4-page paper in PDF format and name this file ContactAuthorsLastName.pdf. Please submit the poster draft in PDF format and name this file ContactAuthorsLastName poster. pdf. Both the Interactive Paper and the poster draft should include author names (not anonymous submission).
Interactive Papers submissions should be e-mailed to the Interactive Papers Co-chairs All attachments must be less than 5MB. If your poster draft is over 5MB, please email the co-chairs with your 4-page Interactive Paper attached, and a URL from where the poster draft can be downloaded. Any questions regarding this process or from complications due to large files can be directed to
All submissions must be received by the chairs by 11:00 p.m. (23:00) PDT on Friday, November 19, 2010. Submissions received after this date/time will not be considered. All submissions will be acknowledged by email.
All questions should be directed to
The following tips may help you prepare a successful Interactive Paper:
- State the contribution and originality of your work clearly and explicitly: What is the problem? How does your approach help? Why is it better than other available approaches?
- Interactive papers may be chosen based on either the significance of the problem or the originality of your approach.
- Focus on the contribution of your work rather than the background, including just enough background to make clear how your work differs from significant prior research.
- Include the major graphical elements that will likely be used in the poster itself.
For the poster itself, the UIST Poster Example Gallery includes a variety of successful poster designs. More poster guides can be found all over the web.
Hideaki Kuzuoka, University of Tsukuba
P. L. Patrick Rau, Tsinghua University