Call: 5th Annual ACM Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces 2010

5th Annual ACM Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces 2010

Submission DEADLINE for Posters, Demos, Tutorials & Doctoral Symposium: September 6th, 2010

ITS 2010
November 7-10, 2010
Saarbrücken, Germany

The ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces 2010  (ITS) is a premiere venue for presenting research in the design and use of new and emerging tabletop and interactive surface technologies. As a new community, we embrace the growth of the discipline in a wide variety of areas, including innovations in ITS hardware, software, design, and projects expanding our understanding of design considerations of ITS technologies and of their applications.

Building on their success in previous years, ITS again features tutorials, posters, and demonstrations tracks. For the first time, ITS 2010 will also include a doctoral symposium.

*** POSTERS ***

Posters provide an interactive forum for authors to present research prototypes and work in progress to conference attendees. Submissions should be in the form of a 2-page extended abstract describing the poster. The posters themselves will not be submitted with the abstracts – instead they should be brought to the conference by the author. The abstracts will be published in the main conference proceedings and will be included in the conference DVD. Authors of accepted poster abstracts are responsible for preparing a poster to display/demonstrate on site at the conference. Posters focus on visual presentation and discussion between the author and attendees around the poster. For specific queries, please contact:  Mark Ashdown and Michael Rohs (Posters Chairs)

*** DEMOS ***

The ITS demo session provides an interactive forum for authors to present their work to conference attendees and receive feedback from the leading experts in interactive surface research. Demos provide an opportunity to interactively present research prototypes and work-in-progress as well as your best demos of the last year. Both independent demonstrations and those accompanying accepted papers and posters are welcome. At the conference, we want the ITS participants to literally get in touch with your demos. Our main goal is to provide a forum for lively discussion and hands-on experience. Demo proposals should be submitted through our online system in the form of a video of up to 4 minutes length. In addition, a supplemental text document is required describing your demo and the necessary spatial and technical requirements. Please use the provided template (the link will be provided soon) and submit a PDF accompanying your video through the conference submission system. For specific queries, please contact:  Raimund Dachselt, Florian Echtler, Shahram Izadi (Demo Chairs)


The ITS Doctoral Symposium is a forum in which Ph.D. students can meet and discuss their work with each other and a panel of experienced Tabletop researchers in an informal and interactive setting. We will give preference to applicants beyond the proposal stage and well into their dissertation research. Each applicant should provide a short written paper (no more than four pages in normal ACM format). This paper should describe ongoing work and might summarize the student’s full dissertation work, or highlight a particular part in depth. In addition, each student is asked to present a poster describing his or her work to the full conference. Doctoral Symposium papers will be published in the ITS conference companion distributed at the conference. Doctoral Symposium will take place at the conference venue on Sunday, November 7th 2010. For specific queries, please contact: Patrick Baudisch and Hrvoje Benko (Doctoral Symposium Chairs)


Tutorials range from general overviews of surface research to detailed topics of interest. The tutorial chairs are looking for leaders in interactive surface technology to run three tutorials that will run 1 hour in length and occur during the conference program. We request a short 1 page proposal in the ITS papers and notes format ( Please indicate the follow: 

  • Topic of Tutorial
  • Relevance to Tabletop community
  • Nature of the tutorial, particularities
  • Bio of speaker

Please submit your proposal and questions to the tutorial chairs ( Andreas Butz and Edward Tse (Tutorial Chairs)


please see:


Conference Program Committee Co-Chairs: Daniel Wigdor & Michael Haller

Conference Co-Chairs: Johannes Schöning & Antonio Krüger

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