Call: Group-Awareness in Online Work, Learning & Games Workshop at HCI 2010

Dear colleague,

You are invited to present and/or participate in the Group-Awareness in Online Work, Learning & Games Workshop in the HCI 2010

The 24th BCS Conference on Human Computer Interaction – HCI2010
‘Play is a serious business’. 6th – 10th September – University of Abertay Dundee, Scotland

Facebook event:  


Group-Awareness in Online Work, Learning & Games


With the rapid advance of Web 2.0 technologies online group collaboration has become increasingly popular. Groupware applications and technologies are now accessible to all branches of academia and industry with leaders and visionaries embracing them in diverse fields including work, learning and games. Group collaboration and awareness offer the opportunity and challenge for shared experience, creation and discovery.

You may email me for either/both a presentation and participation in the workshop.

* Please forward the announcement to anyone you think may be interested in the workshop.

Thank you very much in advance,

Best regards

Niki Lambropoulos
Department of Informatics, London South Bank University


Workshop fee: £20.  

This workshop is subsidised by Euro-CAT-CSCL (, an FP7 Marie Curie IAPP European Union research project aiming to provide a Collaboration Awareness Tool (CAT) in Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL). Euro-CAT-CSCL consortium is composed by, London South Bank University, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Universitat Ramon Llull and Université de Toulouse. A Pedagogical Ergonomics Questionnaire will be conducted on EuroCAT at the end of the workshop.

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