Call: MexIHC 2010 – Interactive Independence – Digital Revolution

MexIHC 2010
Interactive Independence – Digital Revolution

MexIHC 2010 is the third workshop on Human-Computer Interaction, organized by the Mexican ACM SIGCHI chapter (CHI-México) in a biennial format alternating with the Latin American Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (CLIHC). The objective of the workshop is to provide a forum for North America, México and the Caribbean, in order to promote research and innovation on Human-Computer Interaction in this region of the continent. This event is the continuation of the successful workshop MexIHC 2006, celebrated in Universidad de las Américas Puebla, and the MexIHC 2008 celebrated in the University of Baja California at Mexicali.

MexIHC 2010 will be celebrated during the 8th, 9th and 10th of November of this year in Monterrey, Nuevo León, México, being held at the Universidad de Monterrey Campus.

Call for Participation

We invite researchers, practitioners and students in Human Computer Interaction to submit their work as research papers in the following research topics:

1. Evaluation of interactive applications

a. New methods and methodologies
b. Tools for evaluation
c. Case studies
d. Accessibility evaluation

2. Theoretical aspects of HCI

a. Theories for HCI
b. Theoretical discussions or challenges to current theories
c. Formal modelling

3. User evaluation

a. New methods and methodologies
b. Tools for evaluations
c. Case studies
d. Evaluation of user experience
e. Evaluation of disabled users
f. Human error and cognitive studies
g. Contextual evaluation and ethno-methodologies

4. Interface design

a. New methods and methodologies
b. Case studies
c. Tools for designing
d. Information visualization
e. Adaptive interfaces

5. Interaction studies

a. New interaction tools and techniques
b. Input devices
c. Output devices
d. Methods and methodologies to design interactive applications
e. Multimodal interfaces
f. Ubiquitous computing

6. HCI and teaching

a. Case studies of teaching in HCI
b. Using HCI to improve the teaching/learning process

7. Emergent topics in HCI

a. Social networks
b. Mobile devices
c. HCI within the medical context
d. Video games, ludic and aesthetic applications
e. Cultural aspects in developing interactive applications
f. Brain computer interaction
g. E-government

Research papers will be submitted for review at a maximum of 8 pages long, anonymized, and formatted to the ACM standard (

Submission deadline: July 2nd
Information to authors: August 30th

Research papers will be published by Universidad Politécnica de San Luis Potosí, and will be available at the ACM Digital Library.

This event is made in cooperation with ACM-SigChi.

For more information email Eduardo H. Calvillo Gámez at or consult

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