Call: 3D Quality of Experience: A Workshop on the Human Factors of Stereoscopic Displays

Dear colleagues,

I’d like to invite you to submit your position paper (max 4 pages) to the workshop:

3D Quality of Experience: A Workshop on the Human Factors of Stereoscopic Displays

This workshop will take place on the 24th of August 2010 as part of the ECCE 2010 conference in Delft, the Netherlands. See:

Workshop Goal

At what appears to be a turning point in the public acceptance and commercial viability of stereoscopic 3D entertainment, the human factors community has to face a number of challenges with regard to the effects of stereoscopic displays, and methods of assessing such effects. Currently, human factors insights appear to be fragmented across various disciplines (e.g., vision science, optometry, display engineering, creative arts), and many application domains (e.g., simulation systems, VR, military applications, medical applications, mobile telephony, broadcast entertainment, digital games). It is hard for scholars and professionals in this area to obtain an up-to-date and comprehensive overview of work being done in these different fields. The purpose of this workshop at ECCE 2010 is to provide such an overview; one that is timely, relevant, and necessary for this relatively fragmented community to progress.

Workshop Format

We are aiming for a one-day workshop, split into two distinct parts. During the morning session, we aim for invited talks by a number of leading scholars, who are asked to provide an overview of the state-of-the-art in the field of human factors of stereoscopic displays. During the afternoon session, we will have a number of talks that were selected from an open submission process.

Topics for these presentations include:

  • Stereoscopic displays and human visual functioning
  • Evaluation methods and metrics for assessing stereoscopic displays
  • Human factors and stereoscopic production grammars
  • Effects of frequent and long-term use of stereoscopic displays
  • Effects of stereoscopic TV and video games on the developing and vulnerable visual system

Workshop Submission and Publication

To participate in the workshop please submit a position paper (max 4 pages) sharing your ideas, experimental results, and insights in the area of human factors of stereoscopic displays and applications. The final output of the workshop, to appear after the workshop in collaboration with an established publishing house, is the publication of a book on the Human Factors of Stereoscopic Display Systems and Applications. This book will present a selection of the papers presented at the workshop, and some additional invited chapters. A separate review process will be used to ensure the quality of the book chapters.

People who also like to attend the host conference ECCE2010, please note that workshop participants can submit a 2-page poster version of their workshop contribution to the main conference. The poster may cover the same contribution. For more details see “workshop contribution based poster” at the conference participation page.

Important Dates

  • 30th of May 2010: Submit workshop paper.
  • 15th of June 2010: Notification of Acceptance
  • 24th of August 2010: Workshop in Delft, The Netherlands


More information on the workshop is available from:

dr. Wijnand IJsselsteijn
Associate professor
Human-Technology Interaction Group
School of Innovation Sciences
Eindhoven University of Technology

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