Call: MobileHCI Workshop on Using Audio and Haptics for Delivering Spatial Information via Mobile Devices


MobileHCI Workshop on Using Audio and Haptics for Delivering Spatial Information via Mobile Devices

Tuesday, September 7th, 2010
Lisbon, Portugal

Submission deadline: May 10, 2010

Orientation and navigation are very important skills for getting along in daily life. The acquisition and use of these skills is based on the processing of visual, auditory and sensorimotor/kinesthetic information, denoting the relations between objects, places, and people. This multisensory information gives us cues about directions, distances, speed, headway, traffic, landmarks, obstacles, etc. With the recent availability of global positioning method, of comprehensive GIS systems, of powerful mobile computers and of advanced interaction techniques, multisensory spatial information could now be presented in a personalized, context-aware and intuitive manner.

However, it is still not completely clear how to design, and how and when to present multisensory spatial information on mobile devices. This workshop will initiate a multidisciplinary discussion on these topics. We would like to invite researchers working in the fields of human-computer-interaction, computer science, cognitive sciences, psychology, psychophysics, mechanics and electronics to submit a position paper and/or a demo presentation dealing with topics similar to the ones listed below: 

  • Methodologies for representing spatial information (e.g. distances, directions, speed, landmarks, obstacles) using audio and haptics on mobile devices
  • Compatibility with the device: display and rendering capabilities, task-related and environmental constraints…
  • New interaction techniques, both hardware and software: wearables, haptic accessories, etc.
  • Design methods and guidelines for such information on mobile devices (e.g. design of useable and useful audio and haptic icons)
  • Specific evaluation methods and criteria
  • Workload and user performance
  • Spatial information presentation and the moving body
  • User experience and satisfaction


This will be a full-day workshop. Up to ten position papers will be presented by theirs authors. Each presentation will be limited to 15 min. There will be a discussion after each presentation. Presentations and discussions will be followed by a demo session (demo submissions should be accompanied by a one-page description), some hands-on activities with the demonstrators and a wrap-up discussion at the end of the workshop.

Submissions and participants selection criteria:

Interested researchers are invited to submit a workshop positions paper (2-4 pages) and or demo submissions formatted according to the ACM MobileHCI format until 10th May 2010. Please visit the conference submission page ( for detailed formatting requirements. The papers should be submitted to Margarita Anastassova:

The papers should focus on current research activities and/or interesting aspects of future work. All position papers will be peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers and evaluated on their originality and relevance to the workshop topics.

Authors of accepted position papers will be notified on 21st May 2010. Camera-ready manuscripts should be ready on the 28th May 2010.

The authors of the best workshop papers will be invited to publish an extended version of their work in a special issue of a relevant journal (e.g. International Journal of Mobile Human Computer Interaction, International Journal of Handheld Computing Research).

The workshop will be held at on the 7th of September 2010. In order to participate in the workshop, at least one author of a position paper must register for both the conference and the workshop.

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