Call: ACE 2010: 7th Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology Conference

ACE 2010: 7th Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology Conference incorporating DIMEA 2010 (5th Digital Interactive Media Entertainment and Arts Conference) and in conjunction with NetGames 2010 (9th Annual Workshop on Network and Systems Support for Games)

Taipei, Taiwan on 17-19 November, 2010

ACE has become the leading academic forum for dissemination of novel research results in the area of entertainment computing. Interactive entertainment is one of the most vibrant areas of interest in modern society and ACE is its premier forum. The goal of ACE 2010 is to bring together researchers and practitioners from industry and academia to present and discuss their work in a stimulating and challenging environment. This year ACE is incorporating with DIMEA 2010 (5th Digital Interactive Media Entertainment and Arts Conference) and NetGames 2010 (9th Annual Workshop on Network and Systems Support for Games).

ACE is naturally a multi-disciplinary conference expected to attract people across a wide spectrum of interests and disciplines including, but not limited to, arts, sociology, anthropology, psychology, marketing, computer science and design. The goal of ACE is to stimulate discussion in the development and advancement of interactive art and entertainment applications. It, thus, strides to balance several interdisciplinary areas and seeks representation in all these areas, including, but not limited to:

  • Affective Computing
  • Animation Techniques
  • Audio Design
  • Augmented & Mixed Reality
  • Digital Cinema
  • Digital Entertainment
  • Elderly Entertainment
  • Experience Design
  • Game Production
  • Game Programming
  • Game Techniques
  • Human-Robots Interaction
  • Mobile & Ubiquitous Entertainment
  • Museum Applications
  • Novel Gaming Interfaces (Tabletop Interfaces, Tangible
  • Interfaces)
  • Smart Gadgets & Toys
  • Special Effects
  • Usability & Playability
  • User-Centered Design
  • Visual Arts

To encourage presentation of such multi-disciplinary work, we invite submissions that fall into the following tracks:

– Full Papers:

Original unpublished technical, design, and theory/social impact. Submissions to this track should not exceed 8pages in ACM format.

– Short Papers:

Original unpublished technical, design, and theory/social impact. Submissions to this track should not exceed 4 pages in ACM format.

– Posters:

Breakthroughs in technical research, content design, industry applications, and entertainment theories/social impact researches are invited. Submissions to this track should not exceed 2 pages in ACM format.

– Creative Showcase:

The Creative Showcase is open to a large variety of submissions including, but not limited to:

  • Technical demonstrations of prototype technologies of advanced entertainment technology
  • All varieties of video and computer games
  • Interactive art, drama, fiction and other narrative forms
  • Web and mobile-based computer entertainment
  • Audio, visual and other sensory forms of digital interaction

Submissions to this track should be accompanied of a one page abstract in ACM format. All accepted submissions will be published in conference proceedings.

– Workshop Proposal

Conference workshops typically provide valuable in-depth discussions of specific topics in computer entertainment technology. If you are working in an emerging area in entertainment computing, please consider organizing a workshop. They are an opportunity to move a new field forward and build community. These workshops may consist of both invited and contributed papers that will highlight exciting new developments and currents trends of research.

Important Dates:

Workshop Proposal Submission Due: 30 May 2010
Full and Short Papers Submission Due: 30 June 2010
Poster Submission Due: 30 June 2010
Creative Show Case Submission Due: 30 June 2010
Tutorial & Panel Submission Due: 30 August 2010
Mobile Game Competition Submission Due: 30 August 2010

All accepted full papers will be asked to extend their papers for a Journal Publication: Special Issue of ACM Computers in Entertainment


Best papers and creative showcases will be selected based on a jury of well respected pioneers in the field attending the conference. We honor the authors of these publications by presenting awards including: Paper award categories: Gold, Silver, and Bronze. Creative showcase award categories: Gold, Silver, and Bronze.

Organization Committee:

Honorary General Chair
Chung-Weun Hou (President of National Taipei University, Taiwan)

General Chairs
Victor R.L. Shen (National Taipei University, Taiwan)
Henry Been-Lirn Duh (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
Masahiko Inami (Keio University, Japan)

Program Chairs
Michael Haller (Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences, Austria)
Yushifumi Kitamura (Osaka University, Japan)
Vivian Hsueh-Hua Chen (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)

Creative Showcases and Interactive Arts Chairs
Mark Billinghurst (HIT Lab NZ)
Shoichi Hasegawa (University of Electro-Communications, Japan)
Bor-Sing Lin (National Taipei University, Taiwan)

Publicity Chairs
Owen Noel Newton Fernando (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
Teresa Romão (The New University of Lisbon, Portugal)
Tsai-Yen Li (National Chengchi University, Taiwan)
Sheng-Wei (Kuan-Ta) Chen (Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan)

Workshop Chairs
Kevin Wong (Murdoch University, Australia)
Kuei Min Wang (Shih Chien University Kaohsiung Campus)

Panel/Tutorial Chairs
Junehua Song (KAIST, Korea)
Yue-Shan Chang (National Taipei University, Taiwan)

Publication Chairs
Wen-Kai Tai (National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan)

Game Competition Chairs
Zhigeng Pan (Zhejiang University, China)
Chung-Hong Huang (Lunghwa University of Science and Technology, Taiwan)
Chun-Chia Hsu (Lunghwa University of Science and Technology, Taiwan)

Local Organizing Chairs
Jiung-Yao Huang (National Taipei University, Taiwan)
Shu-Shen Wai(National Taipei University, Taiwan)
Dalton Lin (National Taipei University, Taiwan)

ACE Steering Committee
Adrian David Cheok (Keio University, Japan & NUS, Singapore)
Hiroshi Ishii (MIT Media Lab, USA)
Hirokazu Kato (Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan)

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