This is a “Request For Information” for the eighth Virtual World Watch snapshot survey. As with the others, this is an opportunity to publicise what you are doing, to your peers, potential collaborators, users of your “stuff” and funders.
There’s one main question which can be interpreted as broadly, or as narrowly, as you wish: “How are you using virtual worlds in your teaching, learning or research?” As per usual, the scope is limited to UK Higher and Further Education.
Things you may want to include:
- Why you are using a virtual world.
- If teaching using a virtual world, how it fits into your curriculum.
- Any evaluation of the experience of using the virtual world.
- Will you do it again next year? Why (or why not)?
By the way; do you know of any other individual, group or project at your institution using virtual worlds for teaching, learning or research? If so, a contact detail would be appreciated.
The closing date for submissions: the end of February 2010. Thank you for any and all contributions. Please send your contributions, in whatever format (e.g. email, Word, text) to
Please note that these reports are fully public – and available under creative commons – so what you say will be readable by anyone. This is the last snapshot funded under the Eduserv Foundation/Research regime, before Virtual World Watch moves to the new funding streams. More on that later in the Spring.
John Kirriemuir
Virtual World Watch