Call for Submissions
Association of Critical Heritage Studies (ACHS)
5th Biennial Conference: Futures
August 26-30, 2020
University College London, UK
Deadline for submissions: 15th October 2019
The Fifth Biennial Conference of the Association of Critical Heritage Studies (ACHS) will be held at University College London in the Summer of 2020. The conference’s theme – Futures – aims to engage seriously and critically with the often stated aims of heritage to address the concerns of future generations, whilst also asking participants to think expansively and creatively about the future of critical heritage studies as an emergent field of focus across a range of academic disciplines.
Sessions, discussion panels, papers, posters and films will explore a range of issues, including (but not limited to): the future of critical heritage studies; newly emerging concepts, themes and methods for the study of heritage; the future of heritage management, governance and diplomacy; evolving and nascent forms of heritage, and how they might be recognised; heritage as future-making; the “time” of heritage and its relationship with the past, present and future; future impacts of climatological, ecological, economic, political and social change on heritage; future relations of natural and cultural heritage in the light of the recognition of the Anthropocene; and the future of heritage itself.
The local conference organising committee has identified a series of sub-themes which will represent distinct threads through the conference, and session organisers and paper proposers are asked to select one of these sub-themes when they submit their proposals.
- Arts and Creative Practice
- Future Policies and Politics of Heritage
- Environmental Change and the Anthropocene
- Digital Futures in and for Heritage
- Folklore and Intangible Cultural Heritages
- Heritage and Foodways
- Conflict heritage and conflicted heritages
- Urban heritage futures
- Future Methods and Approaches to Critical Heritage Studies
- Future Landscapes of Heritage
- The Future Museum: Collections and Collecting
- Heritage and time
- The Futures of Heritage
- Mobilities and Migration
- Open Sub-theme
All proposals must identify at least one relevant conference sub-theme upon submission.
Please contact the relevant sub-theme convenor(s) for any queries about a specific theme. The deadline for the call for curated sessions, individual papers, posters, films and discussion panels is 12 noon UK time on the 15th October 2019.
- Curated Sessions
- Individual papers
- Individual posters
- Discussion panels
- Films
All proposals must identify at least one relevant conference sub-theme upon submission.
The deadline for the call for curated sessions, individual papers, posters, films and discussion panels is 12 noon UK time on the 15th October 2019.
All curated sessions and individual proposals will be double peer reviewed by members of the conference scientific committee. We will contact those who have submitted a curated session, individual paper, poster, film or discussion panel proposal for the conference programme by early January 2020 to confirm whether their contribution has been accepted. Speakers who have been confirmed as part of the conference programme must register to confirm their attendance by end of March 2020. A provisional programme will be published by the end of May 2020.
Presentation Guidelines:
Further information will be available soon.
Abstract Submission:
Abstracts should be submitted via Ex Ordo, our conference management partner. Submit here.
All proposals must identify at least one relevant conference sub-theme upon submission.
The deadline for the call for curated sessions, individual papers, posters, films and discussion panels is 12 noon UK time on the 15th October 2019.
Please note the limits on roles
Organised by the UCL Institute of Archaeology in association with the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Heritage Priority Area and the Association of Critical Heritage Studies.
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