EVA London 2011
Wednesday 6th – Friday 8th July 2011
We invite proposals for papers, demonstrations or short performances, workshops or panel discussions. A brief summary only is required for the selection process.
We require the summary proposal on not more than one page. The title, authors’ name, affiliation and contact details including email address must be shown at the top of the page. This should be submitted electronically to easychair.org, an automated online submission system. You will be asked to create an account with the system before uploading your summary.
In case of problems, please email stuart.dunn@kcl.ac.uk.
Deadline for proposals
5.00pm 15th January 2011
Subject coverage
EVA London is celebrated for its wide variety of topics, its cross-displinary approaches and presentations of cutting edge technologies. Within the overall theme of electronic visualisation, it addresses both current practice and historic research. Subject areas may include but are not limited to the concepts and practice of:
- Visualising ideas and concepts * Imaging and images in museums and galleries * Digital performance * Music, sound, film and animation * Medical humanities
- Reconstructive archaeology and architecture * Digital and computational art and photography * Visualisation in museums, historic sites and buildings * Immersive environments
- Technologies of digitization * 2D, 3D and high definition imaging * Virtual and augmented worlds * Web 2.0 and 3.0 technologies in art and culture * Digital visualization of performance and music
Case studies may be accepted, provided that they include discussions of wider principles or applications using the case study as an example.
Panel sessions and workshops
Proposals for panel sessions or workshops are welcome. We will look for panel sessions to be of wide interest and to provide opportunities to engage the audience, since most delegates are interested and often expert in using and exploring technologies.
Demonstrations or performances
This year, 2011, more time will be allocated to demonstrations, probably during sessions in parallel with paper presentations. Proposals are invited and should be submitted in outline as for papers, above. However, we will not expect detailed demo. proposals until nearer the conference, to allow time for development. We will offer publication of a summary describing the demo.
Papers are peer refereed and may be edited or subject to selection. Publication is in hard copy as conference preprints and also online. Full papers are up to ten A4 pages in length including images and references. Publication is not essential: if you wish only to present and not to submit a paper for publication we can publish an abstract.
Acceptance and deadlines
We aim to send notifications of acceptance of proposals in early February 2011.
The deadline for submitting a full paper will be the beginning of April 2011.
The discounted rate for speakers’ registration will be notified in due course. Registration costs will be notified in due course. They are likely to be similar to those for 2010. There will be discounted rates for early booking. We aim to offer a limited number of bursaries for those without access to grants for conferences, such as practicing artists.
Sponsorship and marketing
There are also attractive opportunities for organisations to support an aspect of the conference such as the publication or a reception or bursaries for delegates, or to market services or products.
Please contact info@eva-conferences.com.
EVA London 2011 will be co-sponsored by the Computer Arts Society, a Special Interest Group of the British Computer Society, and by the BCS.