Call: SIGGRAPH Asia 2013 Art Gallery & Art Papers

SIGGRAPH Asia 2013 Call for Submissions: Art Gallery & Art Papers




The SIGGRAPH Asia 2013 Art Gallery brings to ACM SIGGRAPH an exhibition of art in a major Asian city that reflects on the public domain as demarcated by the artist whose creativity is empowered by their access to a digitally-enabled means of expression.

Art can form an understanding of ideas not easily expressed by any other means. Shared themes form a collective understanding in an ever merging narrative of expression. The sensory aspect of an effort of artistic practice provides us with a glimpse of ideas made perceivable by the grace of their expression, taking us away from the distractions imposed by our senses into a vision that though defined by what we have experienced, creates a new future. The Art Gallery at SIGGRAPH Asia 2013 proposes to examine concepts of modernity enabled by digital approaches to art and art making. How do these new forms of expression impact us? In a world defined by ideas, to what degree are we and the world around us made from thoughts conceived in our minds?

The SIGGRAPH Asia Art Gallery 2013 welcomes proposals for art works and artistic installations that utilize digital technology including visual and sound works, public and private Augmented Reality (AR) installations, visual and sound focused performance installations, and in addition papers and talks that demonstrate visions of art for gallery contemplation and public spaces, excellence in the field of curatorial installation within museum venues, and theoretical papers discussing art in the context of technological determinism and contemporary art.

Art Works

The SIGGRAPH Asia Art Gallery 2013 will be presented in a gallery space as usual with an added feature of Augmented Reality (AR) geo-located installations located throughout the exhibition hall and at selected installation sites throughout Hong Kong. Locations hosting artworks will be publicized with printed materials and an online promotional campaign. Heralding a forthcoming technology, the SIGGRAPH Asia 2013 Art Gallery specifically calls for works that utilize AR for site specific artworks, geo-located game play, and virtual reality installations. We will both promote public artwork installations and seek out hosting venues for sponsored installation of artworks at commercial venues throughout Hong Kong.

Explorations may include functional, structural, cultural, emotional, experiential or metaphorical approaches. All forms of digitally-mediated art works, especially Augmented Reality installations, kinetic and interactive works are highly encouraged. The gallery mainly considers, but is not limited to, the following topics:

  • 2D and 3D artworks, such as digital prints paintings, and sculptures
  • Interactive, electronically-mediated, mixed media performances
  • Interactive installations, landscapes, art environments
  • Augmented Reality (AR) Installations
  • Web-based art, responsive media
  • Time-based art work
  • Artworks using digital communities, robotics, touch-screens, wearable art
  • Technically mediated music, sound and audio artworks

Art Papers

An Art Paper describes theoretical approaches to art, artworks, and artists whose artistic practice utilizes an aspect of digital technology. A successful SIGGRAPH Asia Art Gallery Art Paper may encompass a detailed and contextually based description of artistic research in visual and sound-based art works, a body of work, an artist or an artistic trend; papers that describe an actual or theoretical work of art, art installations that utilize digital technology and in addition papers that discuss the implications of technically mediated art on society; art works that demonstrate contemporary visions of art for gallery contemplation, public spaces and private consumption; excellence in the field of curatorial installation within museum venues.

An Art Paper should introduce its historical and theoretical context, provide a conceptual narrative that inspires and provokes, and if applicable, discuss the implications of technological mediation on the creative artistic process. A successful SIGGRAPH Asia 2013 Art Paper considers aspects from the following categories: Project Description, Position Paper, Thematic Survey, Technical Paper, or Monograph (only if the author is no longer active). Authors present Art Papers in 20-minute sessions with five minutes of Q&A.

Submitted works will be reviewed by an international jury, and selected works will be exhibited in a gallery space with additional virtual augmented reality works displayed throughout the convention center and outside in virtual public spaces during SIGGRAPH Asia 2013.

“Don’t wake me for the end of the world unless it has very good special effects.”
― Roger Zelazny

Please visit for further submission details and review the Frequently Asked Questions before contacting us. If your question is not already answered there, please contact us at

Mark Chavez
Art Gallery Chair
Nanyang Technological University

Conference: 19-22 November 2013
Exhibition: 20-22 November 2013

Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center


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