[From Electronic House; a press release and a 2:30 minute video are available here]
Virtual Reality, Voice Control on Display at Future Tech Pavilion
Cool video kitchen and customized entertainment also shown at CEDIA Expo simulated home.
September 05, 2012 | by Steven Castle
What will the Home of 2016 look like? CEDIA (Custom Electronic Design & Installation Association) gave us a peek of its vision at the Future Technology Pavilion on display this week at the trade group’s Expo in Indianapolis.
The pavilion brings visitors through a simulated day in the life with cutting-edge technology in the home office, gym, kitchen, bedroom, entertainment room and even a virtual reality room.
CEDIA technology guru David Pedigo said the themes are eat, work, play and health, featuring automation via an Apple-based Savant home control system, Lutron lighting, Access Networks, Honeywell security, a host of occupancy sensors, and high-end audio/video products from Triad, DPI, ADA and Stewart Filmscreen.
“It’s about more convenience, more energy efficiency, and just more fun to be in,” says Pedigo.
One Touch Automation and David Tkachuk of SymbolLogic and provided the custom integration work.
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